Monday, October 19, 2009

Hey I'm Important

So I was at a meeting today with a lot of "important" people from the district that I work in. I noticed something very interesting. People who think they are very important usually take their cell phone out and put it on the table. Apparently that is a sign to tell everyone else how important you are. "Hey, I might get a phone call at any second and I need to be able to get to it as fast as possible. I can't keep it in my pocket, in my briefcase, or even hooked on the belt clip. It needs to be on the table so all can see it."

One person even had 2 phones out and on the table.

I was thinking of a parody song for this. One could be a parody of "Dick in a box," but instead "Phone on the table." Or it could be a parody of "Put it in your mouth," but instead "Put it on the table." They are both dirty songs originally, and obviously would stay dirty.

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