Saturday, October 17, 2009

Still Angry

I know I don't blog as much as before, but don't worry I'm just as angry. It's just that my computer is a piece of s**t, and I do most of my Internet activities on my phone. Here are a few things from the past few days:

  • I got my hair did yesterday yesterday and the woman said "Your hair is interesting to cut with all the different colors in it." B**ch you saying I'm going gray?
  • I heard about this weird phenomena that over 2,000 people have had a dream about the same man. If you really read into it, its not that weird. Only 2,000 people over the whole world in 3 years, not that many. It's a pretty generic looking man. One theory is it is what god looks like and people are dreaming of god. A bit out there.
  • I am sure you have heard by Ned Yost has interviewed for the Houston Astros job. Sad. The article says he is the most experiences and qualified person they have interviewed. I thought they said he was interviewing for manager not toilet cleaner.
  • If you haven't seen Kareem Abdul Jabbar's Epic Fail on Jeopardy, it is worth it.

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