Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Watch this you idiot

On the oppposite note of something that is dead to me (The NBA), the Mad Men Season 3 finale was unbelievable.

The show is the best show on TV, bar none. Season 3 brought it to a new level. Instead of getting comfortable with the same plot and plot twists, they took many risks in season 3, culminating in a great season finale. I am going to go spoiler free in this post, but will say that in the second to last episode JFK was assassinated, yet the finale was even more emotional. (I know many of you will say you don't watch it, so you don't care about spoilers, but I will say I am not going to give you the satisfaction of spoilers, go out and watch the show.)

If you do watch the show here is an article interviewed by the creator and head writer. Here are 1 and 2 pictures of the Mad Men characters as X-Men.

Here are 1, 2, and 3 other reasons to watch.

Here are the main 1, 2, and 3 reasons to watch.