Thursday, December 31, 2009

Watch These You Wh**e!

So its the end of the year and I'm not into all the self-reflecting bull-s**t stuff. I'm not into all those Top Ten lists, everyone's opinion is different, and most people's opinions are wrong anyway. I thought I would just take a moment and list the movies that were worth seeing this year, this isn't necessarily a top ten, since I didn't see a lot of those artsy-fartsy movies that everyone is always picking for their top ten.
In no particular order:

1) Hurt Locker- a great movie about the war, intense throughout, great acting by a bunch of nobodies and great cameo by Guy Pierce and Ralph Fiennes.

2) District 9- a really cool sci-fi movie with great action, a cool story, and also some social commentary about our current society.

3) The Road- exactly like the book, intense, interesting, with a lot to say about humanity. Great cameos by Robert Duvall, GUy Pierce, and Omar Little.

4) The Hangover- funniest movie in over a year. Period. Male nudity. Period.

5) Star Trek- a very well done remake. Has a lot of shout outs to the old movies, while still reinventing itself for a new generation. Interesting plot that wasn't dumbed down. The beginning of another great movie franchise.

6) Zombieland- a great escape movie about killing zombies, very humorous and entertaining. Classic.

7) The Cove- a great documentary about the slaughtering of dolphins of the coast of Japan for sport and food. Very difficult to watch but very interesting and very well done.

8) Precious- very powerful movie about the trials of a 16 year old mother from a broken home, a me vs the world type story. Powerful, not easy to watch at times.

Movies I haven't seen yet but heard are good: The Informant, The Talented Mr. Fox, 500 Days of Summer, and Inglorious Bastards.

Side note: I broke down and saw Up in the Air. I was under-whelmed with it. Clooney does a great job and the movie is entertaining for the first 90 minutes, but the last 20 minutes just derail. The ending is horrible. All the characters start to advance and change to be better people in the movie, then bam something happens and everyone ends up the same as in the beginning. The lesson the movie wants you to learn is that true love isn't real.

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