Sunday, January 3, 2010

Thank You

Every so often something amazing happens in today's culture, where all you can do is look up at god and say "thank you." The NBA provided this experience this week.

I am sure by now we have all read this story about Gilbert Arenas and Javaris Crittenton pulled guns on each other in the locker room over a gambling bet. This is a beautiful story. Multiple NBA players have a weapon in the locker room, they are arguing over gambling, and the league knew about Arenas having a gun (they were officially looking into it). Now Arenas is also saying that it was "bad judgement."

They NBA has marketing that has their tag line as "Where Amazing Happens." I think they need to add a screen: "Where players pull guns on each other..........."

But wait, there is another amazing story in the NBA. The NBA lets their highly educated fans vote for who will play in the all-star game. Let's take a quick look and see who has enough votes to start in the game if it started tomorrow. Wait, what's that Tracy McGrady and Allen Iverson. Okay, I've heard of them, they're good right? Oh wait, its 2010 and Allen Iverson was cut by the Grizzlies and comes off the bench for Philly. Tracy McGrady was asked not to come back to the Rockets, they would rather pay him to not play than have him play. Awesome voting fans.

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