Thursday, September 10, 2009

Announcer Fail

I'm not ready to say I "miss"John Madden, but I fear I might before
the end of the season. Chris Collinsworth has replaced Madden on NBC
for Sunday night games. Tonight NBC has the first game, Steelers vs
Titans. Colinsworth was talking about god l what for most of the game.
At one point he was talking about Titans wide receiver Nate Washington
and made an interesting (stupid) observation.

He said Washington has a bright future and reminds a lot of people of
Plexico Burress. WTF? Bright future and Plexico in the same sentence?
If Washington reminds people of Plexico does that mean he is a piece
of s**t that received exams in college that already had the correct
answers, will barely try on the field, and will eventually shoot
himself in the leg.

Great football insight Collinsworth, can't wait for other gems this

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