Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Hello? Hello?

So I was just at a meeting for about 3 hours nad I found out what is more annoying than someone leaving their phone on, someone who has their phone on vibrate and it goes off every 10 minutes for 3 hours straight. At this meeting we were first reminded to please turn off your phone and everyone checks (shouldn't your phone be off most times anyways?). Then throughout the meeting this same guy has his phone go off constantly every 10 minutes for the whole 3 hours. He never just turns it off (technically turning it to vibrate is not turning it off), nor does he check his phone to see if it is any kind of an emergency. On his phone, and with many people's phones, the vibrate is actually louder than a ringing. I literally almost jumped out of my seat, went to his spot, grabbed his phone, and smashed it against the wall. However, unlike George Costanzo who decides to do the opposite of everything and goes off on the guy in the movie theater, I did nothing.

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