Saturday, October 31, 2009

Too Soon?

Micahel Jackson lived his last 10 years in relative obscurity. No one really talked about him outside of the annual child pornography accusation. No big deal. Then he goes and dies (pretty much tells his doctor to kill him) and now he is every where.

I guarantee you that his costume is going to be the number one Halloween costume for pieces of s**t this year. Anyone who can't think of anything original to be will just go out and be Michael Jackson. A quick Google search came up with many sites just dedicated to Michael Jackson costumes, here and here for example.

That's annoying but at least it will only last one day. Then there is that "movie," This is It that is in theaters now. I was trying to avoid it in hopes it would just disappear, but then I have been hearing multiple stories such as this one. An Oscar? Really? If that godbortion of a movie is even nominated for BEst Picture I will throw up right in my spot. The movie never would have come out if he didn't die. It's just 2 hours of footage preparing for his European Tour that never occurred. How is that even a movie, let alone in the conversation for best picture? God help us. You mean to tell me it is on par with movies like GOdfather, Shawshank Redemption, The Departed, Forrest Gump, Pulp Fiction, Casablance, Elephant Man, and other classics.

We are doomed.

1 comment:

Muntaba Lambego said...

i think it is oscar by association via elephantman