Saturday, March 27, 2010

Fly-By Advertising

So on Thursday I came out of work and noticed that every car in the faculty parking lot had a business card under the wiper. I first assumed that it was for one of the get rich quick scheme type things. I read it and it was for a Religious group that had a website called

The card had a phone number to call (414-541-HELP) to call for a pre-recorded message of encouragement and to receive a free Bible. On the back were about a dozen other websites to go to if you feel lost or confused with life and need "help." Most of them have some reference to Christ or Billy Graham.

Are these types of things effective? Do people really take a business card from under the wiper and go the website or call the number and their life is changed? Two weeks I went to Office Max and a guy was walking around the parking lot putting one of the get rich quick schemes on a post-it note on all the cars. I sat in my car to see if he would still put it on my car with me in it, and sure as s**t he still did. Really, this is your job to put out probably close to 100,000 of these for every one person who calls you and falls for your scheme. Your parents must be so proud.


edgrimly said...

As far as the religious thing, Im sure the person did it because God told him to. The picture on their website is hilarious.

Chopper said...

I didn't get the picture. Is it just a picture of the world's saddest dog or is it supposed to be a metaphor of something?

Muntaba Lambego said...

The dog got bonked on the head and the ice pack makes it feel better.....Jesus can be your icepack when you get bonked on the head.