Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I needed a laugh

Thank you Pittsburgh for this story..........

That's just funny. That guy who lived there is hilarious. Leopard sheets, his accent, his attempt at the joke at the end. Too funny.

Quick college story involving 2 of my avid readers. One night we all decided to take a break from studying at the library and instead stay home and consume alcohol. Not really used to the effects of alcohol, some of us let things get away from us. Two of the guys ended up being done and passed out in their beds in their room. Three of us stayed up to continue to consume alcohol. Then at one point one of us had the idea to go into person A's room and carry them into person's B room. So we did that and threw person A on the floor of person B's room. A few minutes later we decided "wouldn't it be funny if we went in there and put person A in person B's bed. So we went in the room and noticed person A had went into the bed himself, assuming he was in his own room. Hilarity ensued and a few comments by the two "no, no, don't" Eventually person B figured it out, got up, and went into his room. A few dozen pictures later, we all had some good stories and blackmail material.

Oh, college................

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