Monday, March 1, 2010

Thanks but no thanks

I don't know how many of loyal readers have ever scene that show
"Undercover Boss." I turned on the last 10 minutes last night, and
what a crock of s**t. The episode was about White Castle which is the
worst fast food imagineable. The end of the episode has the CEO
bringing in all the people he worked with when he was undercover. He
them explains that he is the CEO undercover and talks about what he
likes or doesn't like about what he saw. This one, he liked everything
he saw. He brought in this young Hispanic kid who is 18 and wants to
go to culinary school when he graduates. This CEO was so moved by how
hard he worked and how passionate this kid is about cullinary that he
gave him a $5000 scholarship. $5000, WTF? The average semester for a
community college is more than that. Do thy really think they are
helping this kid by giving hima $5000 scholarship. White Castle got so
much free publicity from this show and all they can give to their
average employee is $5000. F**k off. The other guy they talked to has
a blind son and thy started a $5000 trust for him when he grows up.
Eat a d**k.

Also I am sitting at Chipotle and this young couple next to me ate
eating a bowl, or a burrito with no shell. Both said they have never
had a burrito anywhere in their life. WTF? They said they don't like
eating food with their hands. Psycho.


edgrimly said...

I would like to know what each corp. pays to get its CEO on it. Its perfect advertising. Also, when is that rapper, the CEO, going to be on. I will for sure watch that episode.

jake said...

scene seen


Chopper said...

Sometime I am so blinded by my anger I don't notice things like scene and seen. My apologies to those offended. Also, I was typing this post on my cell phone at a restaurant.