Tuesday, March 9, 2010


So today right after school I heard a bunch of commotion in the hall and stepped out of my room to see a circle of about 40 students with 2 kids in the middle fighting. Since all of security was outside getting students on buses, it took about 5minutes for them to get up to the 3rd floor. A police officer came up and busted through the wall of students, slammed one kid to the ground and then tossed the other kid about 10 feet with one hand, and then put both in cuffs. Good times.

I need a laugh, Internets save me..............

Funny originally, really cool done live with the Roots. The Roots should do an entire live show with Andy Sanberg and Lonely Island.0

Funny clip from Jimmy Kimmel (that's 2 in a week); long but worth it. (That's what I told your wife too).

A good collection of It's ALways Sunny animated gifs.

1 comment:

edgrimly said...

I hear hookers and blow take care of the problem better.