Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Seriously people......

So for one last time I am going to warn Mother Nature. Last night we got 3-4 inches. I am not going to be one of those a-holes that says "Oh, we only got 304 inches of snow." No, that is still enough.

So far this year to date we have gotten more than last year at this point. And the end of December and all of January was the worst winter I have ever experienced in my life. This trend had better stop soon.

The worst part is that on Thursday night we could get anywhere from 1 inch to 12 inches. "They" are not sure if winds are going to blow a certain way or not and how that will affect everything. With technology the way it is, I find it hard to believe that they don't know within 11 inches, how much we are going to get. I am pleading for very little. I have a wedding to attend on Friday (always the bridesmaid, never the bride) and I have to travel all over the city on Thursday night and Friday during the day.

I was disgusted at today paper that had this headline.
It appears Tuesday's snow was an appetizer for a several-course snowflake meal that forecasters predict will be served through Christmas.
Oh, I get it, they are making a joke out of getting a@@-loads of snow. Ha,ha, I get. The snow makes life miserable for everyone, and actually kills some people in car accidents, some people lose heat, etc. Hilarious joke Journal Sentinel.

1 comment:

edgrimly said...

According to the Govt. body, it wont come until Thursday night. Money says its wrong.