Sunday, November 29, 2009

Another P.O.S.

I just saw this preview for a movie coming out next February:

A couple things come to mind:
  • Why are they already advertising for a P.O.S. movie that comes out in February?
  • Haven't they already made this same movie like 10 times with different actors?
  • What ever happened to Matt Dillon? He had potential at one time didn't he?
  • Doesn't Paul Walker get tired of making the same movie all the time?
  • What ever happened to Hayden Christenson? He was Anakin Skywalker? He's dating this.
  • Idris Elba was bad**s in The Wire, and funny in the Office. Why can't he get a real role in a movie?
  • FInally, this movie "stars" Chris Brown and T.I.? Really? Who was the casting director in charge of this movie? I would make a joke about Chris Brown and T.I. being in a movie like this, but that's too easy.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Can I audit that course?

To keep up the string of posts about great television, today this post is about The Wire. Harvard is going to offer a course on The Wire for students. This seems awesome. You get to watch the Wire, discuss it intelligently with other smart people, and get college credit at Harvard. Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet. Sign me up. I can't believe they can get this class accredited, it seems a bit easy for Harvard. (Editor's note: I took a class on The Music of The Beatles for college credit at a top 15 university. Suck on that.)

I got a glimpse of the syllabus for The Wire course and found out what the first two unit are on.

Unit 1 is a discussion of the Top 100 lines on the show ever. Take a glimpe at the notes for the class:

Unit 2 is about Omar. Great bad-ass or greatest. Here is the evidence.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Watch this you idiot

On the oppposite note of something that is dead to me (The NBA), the Mad Men Season 3 finale was unbelievable.

The show is the best show on TV, bar none. Season 3 brought it to a new level. Instead of getting comfortable with the same plot and plot twists, they took many risks in season 3, culminating in a great season finale. I am going to go spoiler free in this post, but will say that in the second to last episode JFK was assassinated, yet the finale was even more emotional. (I know many of you will say you don't watch it, so you don't care about spoilers, but I will say I am not going to give you the satisfaction of spoilers, go out and watch the show.)

If you do watch the show here is an article interviewed by the creator and head writer. Here are 1 and 2 pictures of the Mad Men characters as X-Men.

Here are 1, 2, and 3 other reasons to watch.

Here are the main 1, 2, and 3 reasons to watch.

Asleep at the wheel

I have to be honest here, I had no idea that the NBA season actually started. I know that the NBA is dead to me (it really is) and I say that I don't even see it anyways. But I honestly had no idea it had started, and now its been going for 2-3 weeks. I overheard someone talking the other day about how good of a game Jennings had, and I knew he was the Bucks new rookie, but I thought it was pre-season.

Take your head out of your a** Chopper.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Hey douche bag? Me? No the other one.......

I have long said that people from New York and Philadelphia are a**-holes when it comes to sports, last night on the Daily Show they did a beautiful story on this.

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