Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Best of..........(volume 1)

Happy New Year's Loyal Readers-

I went to a store to pick up some beer and a women was loudly on the phone and I overheard her saying. "yeah, I got everything, just need to get some ice, but I am not sure how I will keep it cold." WTF? It's 6 degrees outside woman.

With the end of the year hours away, here are a few of my Best of Lists:

Best Movies of the Year
  1. Batman: Dark Knight- just a cool, fun movie that you can watch over and over again. All the characters are perfectly cast with the actors. Heath Ledger is great, but the rest of the cast is just as good.
  2. Curious Case of Benjamin Button: In my opinion the best movie of the year. It probably won't win any awards with all the artsy-fartsy and foreign films that are "live-changing" that will get nominated. The movie is in the same feign as Forrest Gump, but in my opinion is better. David Fincher does a great job of directing, and somehow gets Brad Pitt to look 90 all the way down to about 18. It's a cool story, well acted, interesting plot twists, and great character development. Brad Pitt does a great job of being in every scene, but he will probably not get nominated. See this movie.
  3. Tropic Thunder- the funniest movie since SuperBad. The pull no punches making fun of all people, even themselves. There is something to be said about still making potty humor jokes when you are almost 40. Robert Downey Jr. is great as well.
  4. Iron Man- another great movie to just watch. It's not going to change your life, but it is entertaining. The plot is a little goofy at times, but who cares. Very fun. Again, Robert Downey jr. is great.
  5. Wall-E: I know this is a kid's movie, but you really have to appreciate and respect what they did hear. It is a movie about a lonely, dark future in which a robot goes against everything it is programmed to do, and saves Earth. Somehow they pull it off with very, very little talking. I think I read somewhere that there is less than 7 minutes of talking. Very well done.
  6. Hancock- I know some people didn't like this movie because it wasn't what they thought it was going to be. The only thing I would say against it is that it does try to be two different movies, pushed into 1 95 minute movie. It might have been better to be 2 90 minute movies. It is an interesting story about the origin of superheroes (actually gods on earth that we call superheroes) and what if they didn't want to be who they are. How far could they be pushed down (drinking and drugs) before they snapped?
  7. Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist- Not as good as Juno, but is enjoyable. A nice little story about 2 emo kids who meet and have given up on love, but use music to connect and have a fun-filled night in New York. Not going to change you world, but is entertaining.
  8. 7 Pounds- Not nearly as bad as the critics and reviews say it is. Many people say they didn't like it because they "figured it out" in the first 30 minutes. Truth is that this is not a mystery movie, so it doesn't matter if you figure it out. In fact the first scene in the movie is also the last. The only against is, is that the last 20 minutes are kind of stupid how it ends. Well acted by Will Smith who is in every shot of the movie.
  9. Doubt- Good and disturbing. Very well acted by Merryl Streep and Phillip Seymour Hoffman.
  10. Cloverfield- I know some people didn't like it because it wasn't a true monster movie. Exactly, it's not a monster movie. It's a movie about two people who are in love and should be together but are too afraid to do anything about it, and there just happens to be a monster attacking the city.

Movies I haven't seen which are probably good:
Forgetting Sarah marshall, Gran Torino, Man on Wire, Revolutionary Road, and Slumdog Millionaire

Tomorrow: Music

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Can't we all just get along?

It's been a while since someone new has joined my dead to me list...... but, congratulations are in order to 20th Century Fox. (Summer Road Construction lucked out because it is winter, and are now off the list) They are fighting against the release of the movie Watchmen. Now this movie is the only real thing I have left to live for. The trailer is below and it looks sweet. About 2 months ago I taught myself how to read and went out and read the graphic novel, and that was sweet as well. If the movie doesn't totally drop the ball, I think it was be as cool, or cooler than Sin City or 300, both created in the same feign.

The reason that Fox is suing Warner Brothers is stupid. Fox bought the rights to the movie in 1980, and sat on it for over 25 years. Even while Warner Brothers was making the movie, they said nothing about it. Now that it is done and it looks crazy good, they are saying that they still have the only rights to the movie and Warner Brothers has no right to release it. I know I am not "lawyer-smart" but this seems ridiculous. That's like seeing a girl in junior high but never asking her out and then 20 years later she gets married so you go to her new family and take her away from her husband and kids in the middle of the night because you "saw her first."

It seems like the movie will probably still come out, but it may be delayed beyond the original March date, and it may end up costing Warner Brothers millions of dollars. It seems asine that Fox will get a percentage of the movie profits becuase they bought the rights to a story 28 years ago but never did anything with it. Now that someone else did all the work, they want to get all the rewards. That's like a dead-beat-dad knocking up some chick who raises the kid who becomes a star athlete, and then the dad comes back and wants to reunite with the kid and get money from him.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Draft Time

Now that fantasy football is over (I won the superbowl) I am going to start various mock fantasy boards. The great thing about a fantasy draft is that you can have a draft over anything that people argue about the order of. You can also adjust your draft order based on what other people would draft. If you have a sleeper pick, you can gamble and put it lower on your list assuming no one else would draft it.

Today's fantasy draft: Hot Actresses, they must be actresses not models or just random hot chicks. Here's my top 15 draft picks

1. Scarlet Johanson - hot and willing to do it, enough said
2. Jessica Alba- still crazy hot after popping out a child, could kick my ass too, which is hot
3. Natalie Portman- hot, smart, and a nerd who stars in good movies and was in Star Wars. Enough said. Only downside is she usually dates the most emo-ass guys you can imagine.
4. Rosario Dawson- she may be a sleeper pick because not many might think of her, but she is hot and has a weird vibe about her, which increases her value.
5. Keira Knightley- She is hot, maybe too skinny, and she does all those artsy "time-piece" movies.
6. Jessica Biel- she is hot and a great pick, but I lowered her on my list because I think all people will rank her too high and draft her too early, so I will let her go.
7. Mandy Moore- my first true sleeper pick. You might think I am nuts, but she really is hot in those pictures, if she is not hot in real life. Plus she digs emo guys, not crazy emo guys like Natalie Portman, just everyday type emo guys.
8. Rachel McAdams- She is hot, never shows too much in movies to keep you guessing. Plus she is going out/married to my man-crush Ryan Gosling.
9. Kate Beckinsale- is hot, has a cool British accent, and could also probably kick my ass.
10. Olivia Wilde- if you don't like this pick, screw you. She is hot and plays a bi-sexual on House.
The rest of late round picks and waiver-wire pick-ups (in no particular order)
  • Megan Fox- is crazy hot, but is also crazy so I dropped her a bit. She has all kinds of bizarre tatoos in weird places and goes out with Brian Austin Green from 90210.
  • Mila Kunis- was always kind of hot on that 70s Show, but became really hot recently, but is dating Macaully Culkin.
  • Eliza Dushku- a total sleeper pick and a waiver wire pickup, she is attractive but makes total s**t movies.
  • Summer Glau- the chick from that Terminator tv show. I don't know anything about her, and have never seen the show, but in the previews she looks hot, and looks like she could kick my ass.
  • Sarah Chalke- another sleeper pick most people would not think of, but she has been on Scrubs for 8 years now and has had various looks and started off kind of hot, but has matured into a hot chick. I have the feeling she is nuts in real life though.
  • Rachel Bilson- I am not sure what she is originally famous for, I think she was on the O.C., but she has been in a few movies since and is hot, and looks like she is 16.
  • Kristen Bell- another hot chick but dates that douche bag Dax Shephard from the "show" Punked.

I know there are many that I left off the list, some on purpose and some on accident. I think my above team would be a solid squad. Just for sport, here is Maxim's list of top 100 females. Note that Maxim is written by and for idiots, and they include any female, not just actresses.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Anger lowering.........

So what's the deal with Mother Nature now? It gave us a free day, weather-wise, on Christmas day. Actually, that day it didn't matter what the weather is, most people stay in their homes all with their "loved ones."

Now today it's 40 degrees, and we might get rain. This sounds great except, now that puts us in a flash flood warning. Super. With the water falling from the sky and the 13 inches of snow on the ground we could have flooding in houses and in the streets. Just when we think it couldn't get worse. I am actually glad it is warming up and the snow is melting, there is just no where to put it anymore, and you can't see anything when driving, and there is no where to park when you go somewhere.

I actually check the weather forecast and the next 7 days don't look "too bad." In the 20s, no snow (so far),with maybe a little snow next weekend. Let's hope that Mother Nature got all of her wrath out in December (which was the 2nd snowiest December ever in Wisconsin), and gives us a "break" in January.

Also, if I see one more sign making a pun out of winter or snow, I am going to snap. I just drove past a library (obviously didn't go in) and the sign said "Snow Better Time to Read." Oh, I get it, that's hilarious. There is so much snow outside, and in fact some people have died because of it, that you might as well stay inside and read. Hilarious..............Not.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Busy Days

So CHopper here has had an interesting few days.
  • Friday night, went to wedding to once again see that love is not real. We got 11 inches of snow that day and I couldn't even drive on my street. I had to park at a hotel that I wasn't staying at and get a cab home at night, and then a cab to my car in the morning.
  • On Saturday night I decided to stay out of town at my parents because they have a garage and my street was still s**t.
  • Come Sunday Morning the windchill was minus 25 degrees! My car wouldn't start. We tried everything. We jumped it, tried cranking the engine, tried warming it up with space heaters. NOthing would work. I decided to wait til Tuesday when it was suppossed to warm up to a balmy 24 degrees.
  • On SUnday night I officially won my Fantasy Football league somehow by 6 points. I'm waiting for the comissioner to put in his codes so he wins............
  • I spent the day Sunday and Monday at my parents because my car wouldn't start. Oh-well. On Monday me and my dad were sitting around and the house began to get smoky. There was an electrical fire in the crawl space above the ceiling in his front office. The fire department came, no flame, but they had to rip a hole in the ceiling of the office. THe whole ceiling came down. Some stuff (computer, desk) will have to be replace, while some made it through (bookcase, chair). ALl in all it could have been worse. Someone is coming in on Monday to put the ceiling back together and what not, until then the room is condemned. (Literally the housing authoirty came and closed off the room). The funniest thing is that 2 local news came becuase the fire department came out and they must listen to the airwaves. They asked my dad for a statement, but he said it wasn't a story and it was ridiculous that they were covering this when there were major accidents and murders happening in Milwaukee.
  • Today (Tuesday) I went to start my car when it was "warmer" and it still wouldn't start, so I took it in. (I have free towing with my cell phone). Yada yada yada, it has something to do with coordided spark plugs and stuff. $500 later it should be fixed in about 3 hours. (I'm at the dealership now).
  • So I am going to be off the airwaves until Friday, I will have no access to the Internets over the holidays do to the computer room being "condemned." (I'll make up with it over the next week.)
  • Happy Festivus.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

What to do.................

Just wanted all my loyal readers to know that I am on Winter Vacation until January 5th! Suck it b**ches!. There will be plenty of things to rant about on here, stay tuned.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Seriously people......

So for one last time I am going to warn Mother Nature. Last night we got 3-4 inches. I am not going to be one of those a-holes that says "Oh, we only got 304 inches of snow." No, that is still enough.

So far this year to date we have gotten more than last year at this point. And the end of December and all of January was the worst winter I have ever experienced in my life. This trend had better stop soon.

The worst part is that on Thursday night we could get anywhere from 1 inch to 12 inches. "They" are not sure if winds are going to blow a certain way or not and how that will affect everything. With technology the way it is, I find it hard to believe that they don't know within 11 inches, how much we are going to get. I am pleading for very little. I have a wedding to attend on Friday (always the bridesmaid, never the bride) and I have to travel all over the city on Thursday night and Friday during the day.

I was disgusted at today paper that had this headline.
It appears Tuesday's snow was an appetizer for a several-course snowflake meal that forecasters predict will be served through Christmas.
Oh, I get it, they are making a joke out of getting a@@-loads of snow. Ha,ha, I get. The snow makes life miserable for everyone, and actually kills some people in car accidents, some people lose heat, etc. Hilarious joke Journal Sentinel.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Whats the world coming to?

By this time I am sure all my loyal readers have seen both of these stories, but they really make you wonder what the world is coming to.

I think Austin Powers put it best:

Really, who throws a shoe? (It is pretty funny though) Since national security usually takes things to the extreme, I won't be surprised if soon enough, Secret Service makes everyone remove their shoes at Presidential Press Conferences.

You may have also heard about some 9 year old kid who wrote a book about picking up chicks. Seriously? That's either the stupidest thing and biggest waste of paper I have ever heard of, or the book is actually good and in that case maybe I should read it. Everything I learned about picking up chicks I learned from Lloyd Christmas and George Costanza:

Monday, December 8, 2008

White People are funny........

I don't watch SNL anymore, and haven't seen an episode in probably 10 years. However I have been seeing more and more skits on the Internets featuring a Andy Samberg and he appears to be genuinely funny. (Too bad his movies aren't funny; so far he has been in Hot Rod and Space Chimps. He does have a hilarious 30 second cameo in Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist.)

Here is a clip that aired this week.

Yes, I guess you can say that on network TV.

Here are some of his classics:

Editor's note: Yes, he obviously does drugs.

Are you kidding me?

I just read this story moments ago on ESPN. It seems that the Broncos have lost their starting running back for the year. This thing happens all time, except this was their 5th starting running back. They already have 4 out for the year, and one who hasn't played in months, and may miss the year. What are the odds of this ever happening? The Broncos used to historically just pound the ball, regardless of their running back. Shanahan has been noted as saying he doesn't care who the running back is, everyone is expendable. Now their started is going to be someone who was on the practice squad, and someone who was selling cell phones at the mall a month ago.

What's that? Read that article again, especially the last paragraph. Tatum bell was selling cell phones! I read his wikipedia page. He was drafter 41st in the draft, led all AFC rookies in running in 2004, and was accused of stealing Rudi Johnson's luggage when the Lions signed Johnson and realeased Bell. How does a guy like this end up selling luggage. I am sure in 2004 when he was drafter he signed a contract worth over $500,000 a year. I know this economy sucks but after being in the league full time for 4 years and then being cut you have to work a minimum wage job selling cell phones. Sad.
Here is another interesting blog looking at the same phenomenom.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Random Rantings

Another Sunday down, another round of rants.........
  • The Packers suck, and they shouldn't have to. Horrible play calling, an emo-hipster QB, and no leadership are to blame. Every time they threw the ball deep, the Packers WRs beat the cornerbacks, it wsn't always a good throw, but they were open. Yet the Packers only threw the ball deep 5 times. They still try that running s**t way too oftern. They should dink and dunk and do screen plays way more often. Also, their rushing defense is awful. See you next season.
  • Pittsburgh defense is the best I have seen in years. It is a wonder that anyone has scored on them this season. If their offense comes around, look out. Also, I am not sure why their offense is so bland. They have a great QB, 2-3 good WRs, and 2 good running backs, yet struggle to score any points. Something is a miss. (Update: Dallas just got a TD)
  • During the whole pre-game they kept saying that this was Detroit's best chance of a win (they lost). I am not sure why this week was their best chance. They were playing the division leading Vikings, who have a great rush offense and the Lions have the worst rush defense. If anything the Lions best chance is at Green Bay in the last week because the Packers suck and have nothing to play for.
  • I went to Sam's Club, and that's enough to get someone angry. Why do they have that person at the door who checks your receipt and sees what you bought? If you went through the line, you purchased everything, what is this person checking for? When I went today, I waited longer at the door to get my receipt checked, than I did in the actual line. The person in front of me had a full cart, and the lady checked every item in the cart to the receipt.
  • The TV is telling me we could get 6-12 inches of snow throughout the day on Tuesday. You've been warned Mother Nature.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Now that's good television

So I've always been a fan of the TV show House (truth be told I didn't start watching until Season 2). Other bloggers have discussed the show recently as well. I have never been able to get to the root of why it is such a compelling show. After all it is formulaic. You know that the first diagnosis will be wrong, and they will figure out what is wrong with about 5-10 minutes left, and it is never Lupus. The show is great not because of the case they are working on, but what is happening to them and around them because of the case. But now that it is on everyday at 9, I think I have gotten to the bottom of it.

It is not a show about medical mysteries at all, it is really a show about people and their imperfections. I also think it has some of the best dialogue in any show. House is a very imperfect person, he is just unbelievably good at one thing, diagnosing odd diseases. Otherwise he is a imperfect person who fails from obsessions (to drugs and perfection), he can't mutual love another person, and can't open up to someone else without sarcasm.

Last night's episode focuses on Foreman (Omar Epps) and his inner struggles. He wanted to prove something to House so he ran with his own diagnosis instead of taking anyone's opinion. The lady is from the inner-city and a drug dealer who calls out Foreman for selling out and becoming a cheap reflection of the man his mother raised. He writes her off as a drug addict. It turns out he is wrong, and now the lady has less than 24 hours to live. He decides to tell her and she curses him and all of this, but during it he just stands there crying and taking it all in. He then leaves, punches a wall, and walks back in and holds her hand. She asks why he isn't leaving, he says he is staying until the end. Which he does. He then goes to House for a "shoulder to cry on." House doesn't offer it. He says sometimes being wrong in this industry means killing someone, and that's a price doctors half as good as them don't have to pay, but "we do." House then walks out and talks to his best friend Wilson, and explains why he didn't help Foreman or help him cope. Foreman then goes home to his mother who doesn't even recognize him because of her Alzheimer.

It also kicks a@@ because Hugh Laurie talks as an American for 60 minutes, but in real life he has a crazy heavy british accent.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

So far, so.............okay

So far this winter (oh wait, it's still technically Fall), Mother Nature hasn't been too bad on us. Yes, it has snowed twice in 3 days, but both times it wasn't as bad as predicted. On Sunday night and Monday morning we were originally predicted to get 8-10 inches, and ended up without about 2 (kind of like EdGrimley's wedding night). Then today we were supposed to get up to 4, and so far have only gotten about 2 inches (knock on wood).

I guess it has something to do with lake effect, Canadaien air, gulf streams, yada yada yada. I don't get science, what has it ever done for me.

P.S. My arm has been really hurting me this week, I am going to the hospital, I really hope medical science can help me.