Thursday, May 31, 2007

Why more of you idiots should read

When I can't take anymore of the ignorance and stupidity around me I tend to read more, which is my current state. I have been reading quite a bit lately. One of of these days I am going to live-blog a book, take that Edgrimley. Right now I am reading Blink, by Malcolm Gladwell. Its been around for a couple of years but I've always resisted it because I don't often get into these self-help books. I always figure, "You don't know me." And don't even try to read them. But I went to Barnes and Noble and always look at the employee picks, and have selected books from the same employee and have always been satisfied. This month the selection was Blink, so I figured why not. Well last night I read 110 pages in one sitting and was mesmerized.

The book is about how we make rash decsions without thinking, and the positives and negatives of these decisions. They showed studies in which people met someone for 30 seconds and answered questions about these people on surveys better than people that have known them for years could. (I've always said my friends are idiots.) One study had individuals watch 10, 30 second clips of teachers, without sound, and had them fill out evaluation forms. These forms were almost identical to those filled by students who had them all semester. Its basically about that gut feeling that we sometime feel and sometimes don't. Now to the point of this blog, The Warren Harding error.

One day Harding was getting his shoes shined next to a local lobbyist. The lobbyist thought that Harding had this great presence about him and would make a great politician. Harding went on to become a senator and eventually president. He served 2 years before dying, and many regard him as the worst president ever (Jimmy Carter may argue different). The Harding error is that people make judgments about people all that time that have nothing to do with anything, yet affect our decisions of people. Often times, especially in males, a tall and demanding physique can take you a lot farther than your skills can. The author of this book polled half of the Fortune 500 companies and found that the average height was 6', the national average is only 5'9". Only 14.5% of all men in the U.S. are 6' or taller, yet among Fortune 500 CEO's, 58% are 6' or taller. I find that very interesting. (3.9% of U.S. are over 6'2", yet 30% of CEO's are). This shows that being short is almost as big of a handicap in today's business world as being a women or a minority (not quite as bad but...)

Harvard offers these online IAT (Implicit Association Test) in which they show pictures and words of different things and you group them as fast as possible. For example there is one with a category of bad and white on one side and good and black on the other. Its crazy but you will notice in your head that it takes longer to categorize "good" words like love and peace in the black category. At the end they give you a rating and compare it to all users, its quite interesting.

Note: I have chosen not to blog on the Michael McGee situation because I believe the absurdity of it all explains itself.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

You nerd hater.....

Last night I watched an incredibly fascinating documentary about Star Wars that looked at Star Wars from a historical perspective. How Star Wars drew from historical literature and events and how Stars Wars influenced literature, movies, and events that came after it. After watching it I thought to myself, wow, I'm glad I'm a nerd. There are many people who would have thought that the program was stupid and went right over the heads. Too sad. After watching this documentary I am going to rewatch all 6 Star Wars this summer with a new eye. The program even showed the cultural signifigance of Jar Jar Binks. Interested go here.

Now to the angry part: Two weeks ago some friends and I had a lovely BBQ outside in some beautiful weather. Everything was going perfectly until towards the end of the evening a young lady started bashing Star Wars and everyone who liked or loved it.Complete idiot, you are! The greatest movie of all time, star wars is. Of your ass pull your head out. (Courtesy of Yoda Translator)

Star Wars is great on every level, I would think that everyone could find something about it that they like. Its got great action, humor, romance, character development, cliff-hanger endings, good vs evil, and sweet special effects. I don't see what there is not to like, hell love, about Star Wars. I hear all the time things like, "its too nerdy and sci-fi. I hate to break it to you but nerds are the people running this world, Id love to be more of a nerd. People hate on science fiction because they actually have to think about what they are watching and put things together. Its not like those lame "talking animal movies" that so many people like.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Idiot Managers Part One

I know the titles of my posts haven't been too creative lately, but when you're so filled with angry, creativity is not your strong suit. Today I was relaxing after another long day watching the ball game. For a change the Brewers aren't looking too bad (knock on wood) and are up 5-3 right now. At some point during the game amongst all the nonsense the announcers where talking about they were talking about intentionally walks. (Twice the Braves intentionally walked someone to face the pitcher instead, and both times they got out of the inning.) They mentioned that for the 3rd year in a row the Braves lead the league in intentional walks and for the third year the Brewers are last. This got me thinking...

The Braves are always competitive no matter the talent level on the team, the Brewers always struggle no matter the talent level on the team. I'm not saying that intentionally walking players leads to more victories (The Rockies are second in intentional walks and they are awful.) I am stating that by using intentional walks it shows us that the manager is actually involved in the game and is making real-time decisions instead of following a pre-set plan. Yost pitches the same if ALbert Pujols is batting with the bases loaded or Greg Maddux is batting with no one on. There are no real-time decisions like "hey we should walk Pujols to face Chris Carpenter, I think Pujols is a little more likely to get a hit." Yost just says, "Whoever is at bat (I can't read) just throw a fastball straight down the line and keep your fingers crossed."

Let me say that Yost is a joke of a manager in my book. I believe that instead of making decisions within the game depending on what is happening, Yost "pre-writes" the game and makes decisions on how he designed the game before it even began. For example if a pitcher is throwing a one-hitter, he pull them when they get to 90 pitches, because that is the design. If there is a man on second with no outs and the #4 hitter coming up; instead bunting he will have the hitter swing for a homer because he's the #4 hitter (this has happened at least 5 times this year.) Hint to Yost, watch the game you are managing and make decisions about what is actually happening. Take a lesson from your former Mentor, Cox, and occasionally walk someone to get to a far worse hitter.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Idiot Athletes Part 2

I know what you're thinking: "Hey dude, its Memorial Day, relax." How can someone possibly be this angry in one day and have three separate posts. With all this free time I have had a lot of time to open my eyes and see all the stupidity in the world.

This may come as news to you but Barry Bonds is a jack-ass. There is no one who better symbolizes what is wrong with sports, hell what is wrong with America. Now he has come out with this. HE is considering no giving any of his record breaking souvenirs to the Hall of Fame. As he put it, "I take care of me." Wow, I may not agree in the manner that he did it but, I think Curt Shilling was right. Bonds is just a bad-person.

This game, that you claim to love, has given you everything you have in life. Now you have cheated to get one of its most prized records, and you will give you nothing in return. Class-act. I feel bad for his son, what chance does he have to not grow up and become a jack-ass. After he retires Bonds is going to have to become more of a recluse than Howard Hughes. He has no place in normal-functioning society.

I donated every one of my record breaking souvenirs to the Hall when I retired (was forced out of the league. My magnet-filled ball, my jet-filled shoes, my mace, my voice enhancer used to leave threatening phone calls on other player's phones, the boxing glove I used when I rushed the mound, the tracking device I used to stalk that umpire, and the wire cutter I used to cut the breaks of the entire New York Mets team. Thats because I am a good guy and give back to the game I love.

TV Rantings Part One

I was just sitting around this Memorial Day watching a hand-picked Scrubs marathon with my DVDs and was wondering to myself about the state of sitcoms on television. These days networks are giving up on sitcoms and switching over to high-concept hour long dramas. I believe that witty sitcoms have become to difficult to write and studios are taking the easy way out by creating high-concept dramas that are awful. So many of these dramas last a year or less and go by the wayside.

Looking at the proposed fall schedule for the networks breaks down like this: NBC has 4 sitcoms, ABC has 2 (one is the terrible Geico cavemen), CBS has 4, Fox has 6 (4 are animated), and the CW has 2. Every year 5 shows are nominated for best comedy. That means 1/3 of these shows will be nominated. The rest of the channels' lineup is filled with terrible dramas. Here's a run down of some of the dramas they tried out last year, some of them are sadly still on, but most were canceled.
  1. A show about a guy who keeps repeating the same day until he corrected some mistake he made (the show never finished so viewers never learned what this was all about)
  2. A show about a town after a nuclear explosion
  3. A show about a detective who sees dead people who try to help him solve crimes
  4. A incredibly racist show about the Irish mob
  5. A show about survivors of a bank robbery and hostage situation
  6. A show about people "forced" into this country wide race for some unknown prize
Whatever happened to the simple comedy. One where we can sit down for 30 minutes and laugh and not have to wonder what the hell is going on and have to wait week after week for answers. I found this clip of a Scrubs musical that show the simplicity of a simple comedy, just jokes.

Its so sad. Growing up every night every channel had 2 hours of sitcoms, and then just one drama from 9-10 (for your parents). The only way to watch quality sitcoms is on TBS, Comedy Central, or your local syndicated channels form 5-7 pm. I believe the fall started after Einfeld and Friends and no one was able to write simple sitcoms that could be viewed by all and respected in many different ways. Seinfeld is simple, and simple people can laugh at it. Seinfeld is also sophisticated and smart, adn sophistyicated and smart people can watch it. The final death blow to sitcoms was when Fox canceled Arrested Development for War at Home. Arrested Development was by far the funniest and smartest sitcom since Seinfeld, but some many people "didn't get it." To quote Elaine from Seinfeld, "Smart people get it Jerry." (when talking about her political cartoon for the New Yorker). Week after week Arrested Development made off the cuff and very dry jokes, but they didn't pause and wait for the audience to catch them, they kept on going. War at Home is the exact opposite. They race through episodes and when they think something funny is happening or being said they pause and make sure everyone at home got it.

Sometimes I just want to escape for a half hour and laugh, not think. I spend most of everyday sitting around thinking, trying to "figure things out," its nice to be able to turn that off every once in a while. The way studios are programming television now, any year now there will be no more sitcoms. Just high-concept dramas that make no sense and ridiculous reality shows that no one with half a brain would watch.

Idiot Athletes Part 1

This whole Michael Vick thing is really getting absurd. Just goes to show that most athletes are idiot, over-paid, man-giants.

First, its funny that for years people defended Michael VIck for not being nearly as big of a screw-up as his brother Marcus Vick. After all the dust settles, Michael is at least as big of a screw-up, maybe bigger. Marcus was never found guilty of a felony, which is what Michael could be looking at here.

Secondly, and most importantly is: dog-fighting, really dogfighting?? Who does this? They had a story on dog-fighting and Michael Vick last night on Sportscenter, and it eventually got too graphic and I could no longer watch it. First they talked to a variety of athletes discussing the allure of dog fighting. Many compared it to watching other incredibly violent sports like boxing and ultimate fighting. First, I can't stand these either. There is no sport about two people beating each other to the point of near death. Secondly, these are dogs they are instinctive animals with no say in the matter. They then showed video of some of these dogs beating and attacking each other to near death, and I'm sure often times to death.

What sane person would do this??? I mean really?? I can't even find the anger-words to describe this adequately. Vick should go down hard for this, especially since now they have an informant who is a police officer says Vick is a "heavyweight" in the dog-fighting underbelly. He's been betting and running games since college.

On the flip-side of competitive sports, the Milwaukee Journal ran story today about the rise of chess, especially for the younger audience. The article explained the appeal of chess; its simple enough yet complex, its safe and non-violent, and is the only sport where a 1st grader can sit across from a high-schooler, and could actually beat them. I think its awesome that more and more people are playing chess. If we could only convince athletes to play chess and run chess leagues instead of watching innocent animals brutalize each other in their basement.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Vending Machine Technology

I have a lot of down time where I just sit around with my thoughts, and as you can imagine, that can be a frightening experience. There's a Seinfeld episode in which George talks about how Toilet Paper has not advanced at all since it was first invented, and probably never would. His girlfriend was fascinated by this and led George believe that this girl may be "the one." Jerry then pointed out a number of advancements that toilet paper has made over the years. One thing I've been thinking about lately is the lack of advancement in vending machine technology and related fields.

You still have to go up to a vending machine, insert your money, type in a letter and number, watch the coilly thing uncurl and watch your selection fall down. You then recieve your change and retrieve your treat, often times broke from the fall. This process has many falls that you think could have been reconciled with technology. For example, this week I was on Marquette University Campus and needed a quick snack. I went to the vending machine and also noticed that all I had was a $5. Without thinking I put it in and made my selection, and got my bag of chex mix. The machine then proceeded to give me my change in quarters and dimes. There are obviously $1 in the machine from other people buying stuff. You would think that we would have the technology to give back change in $1. But no, now I have $4.25 in quarters and dimes.

Other areas of technology needs:
  • A softer, more cushy way for the item to fall so it doesn't break
  • A better system than the coilly thing that get stuck and sometimes you get nothing. A lever that goes up and down and pushed your item off maybe.
  • A way to accept debit cards. I know purchases are only like $0.75, but why not.
  • A way to accept or cancel your choice after typing it in, in case you typed in the wrong number.
On a side not, I have always wondered why Gas Stations do not use vending machine technology on their pumps. When you get gas you either have to use a credit card or go in and pay with cash. Wouldn't it make sense to allow customers pay with cash right at the pump. With gas prices so high there are stories about people leaving without paying for gas and now many gas stations are requiring pre-paying for gas. So now a customer must walk in and pay first, then pump gas. Also, if I don't have a credit card I can't pump gas late at night when the inside is closed. (many gas stations are 24 hours, but only at the pump with a credit card.) To me it would make sense to allow someone to put in $20 in cash at the pump, and then be able to pump $20 of gas and leave. Not having to go into the store and take extra time. But then again, what do I know ?

Friday, May 25, 2007

Don't fall from your high horse

The other day Fox News (who I could anger-rant about on a daily basis) thought it was a good idea to put this crazy woman on to make personal attacks on the American Idol champion. She was saying that she hopes that Jordan Sparks does not win because she is "obese" and would set a bad example for our youngsters out there.

What?? First if this girl on American Idol is 17 years old, leave her alone she is just a kid. Secondly, she is not obese. Like another panelist on the program said, she is just "full figured and normal." She's not Skinny McSkinny who weights 100 pounds when wet. Thirdly, doesn't everyone in the media always complain that there are too many negative skinny role models for girls to look up to. Too many young girls are looking up to these celebrities who are too skinny and are then trying to do the same to their bodies and are jeopardizing their health in doing so.

I don't think many girls see "obese" celebrities and are like, "wow, I wish I were huge!"

The main point why would Fox News put on this nut-job on to bash any individual personally?? Who the hell are you to take personal attacks on anyone and call someone "obese"? I hope that fall from your high horse really stings.

Great Parenting

Last night I was a celebrity bartended at a old-neighborhood pub, filling in for someone who was sick. No worries. I enjoy bartending still every so often to escape the everyday nonsense of a real job that you go to everyday. You can go in and work, have a good time, and not really care or have any personal investment in the outcome. All was going well all night until around 10 PM (keep in mind this was a Thursday).......

I see the other bartender arguing with this guy who is accompanied by two females, both looking pretty young. After a few minutes the bartender and this patron convince the guy and the two females to leave. I go over and ask what happened. He said he went to ID the people and the guy had an ID that said he was 32 and one of the females had one saying she was 28, the other females was definetly under 21 and needed to leave (I guessed she was 14-18). The guy apparently git upset saying she was his daughter but could not prove it. Before the argument started he had ordered a beer and two shots and was trying to give them to the young girl. A few minutes after they left they older lady came back in and said she just wanted two quick shots and was leaving. I went to grab the bottle and then the guy came back in. I asked him where his "daughter" was and he said she was waiting outside. Why the hell would you have your daughter wait outside on 49th and North, not by any stretch of the imagination a good neighborhood. And, oh yeah, its 10pm on a school night. I told him he couldn't just leave his daughter outside, he had to go. He started arguing back that I couldn't kick him out. I said he can't bring in minors, and then leave them outside while he got loaded inside. A moment later the young girl came back in. WTF?? This whole situation is just shady. I repeated that he had to go, no big deal, you just gotta go. He then started calling the place a gay bar because I was kicking him and his young daughter out. I stood there calm and collected for neither 2 minutes just repeating, "You gotta go, you gotta go." He continued to mumble incoherently at me. He finally left because they older lady he was with was actually very nice and polite and convinced him "we should just all go home anyways."

Good god people!! Kids are our future. You wonder why the future looks so dark, we have idiots like this dragging youngsters to bars on school nights trying to get them drunk. There was a chance that this was not his daughter even, then its anyone's guess as to what was happening. Darwin was wrong if idiots and drunks like this can continue to procreate. Children should be home and asleep ready to learn the last day so they can become more successful than their idiot parents.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Long time listener......first time driver

This is something I am continually angry about, but gets its own spotlight today, terrible drivers. I was driving home last night and was utterly shocked at the number of people who have no idea on how to drive on the highway, downtown, and busy streets, and on regular side streets. There are basic rules of the road that get lost day in and day out. Things such as not driving in the parking lane, turning from the turning lane, slower traffic keep right, use a blinker. stay in your lane, and don't be an idiot. Just yesterday I saw: someone driving in the parking lane, some turn from the driving lane in front of someone in the turning lane, someone turning without a blinker, someone going 15 under the speed light in the fast lane on the freeway, some genius driving downtown in the middle of 2 lanes.

Why are we required to only pass a driving test when we are 18 and then no longer again?? Some drivers passed the test 40-50 years ago when our city street were far different. Some of these drivers passed the test in this rural-ass hick towns with a trailor and have no idea how to handle real traffic. Why is that we are only required to pass the test once and it lasts our whole live, there is no other test on the planet that this is true for. You need to obtain your fishing license every year, my teaching license last 5 years, your SAT and ACT only last 6 years, and with all of these there are no lives as stake. Put some idiot yahoo behind the wheel and lives are at stake.

What do I propse?? You have to take the driving test every 5 years?? Every 10??? The problem with this is if you think you have to wait long at the DMV now, imagine if they have 4x the driving tests to take care of?? And of course, who would pay for all this??? I propose that only those drivers that don't know how to drive must retake the test. If you are in an accident, get any kind of moving violation ticket, and the police can just pull you over and revoke your license until you pass the test. This way this does not punish those who can drive. Those who do have to take the test again have to schedule an appoitnment at one pre-determined DMV that specializes in road tests, and they must alsopay for this test each time they take it. This will create a hidden incentive to drivers to drive more carefully and not get into accidents or get any tickets.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Satisfied, not angry for a change....

I have a few hidden joys in life I do not like to share much. One of those is the television show Heroes. It does a very good job of telling the story of ordinary people who learn they have one or more special abilities and then they are being pushed into saving the world or join the other side and help to bring down the world. The show works because it has a great group of characters that you can actually see the growth in. Their is a mix of people with powers and some without powers. There is also a mix of "bad guys." Twice during the season you thought someone or a group was the enemy, only to find out they were being manipulated and were not the bad guys.

The reason for today's blog is that last night was their season finale, and was the only truly satisfying finale I have seen in years. They didn't feel the need to kill off any of the main characters, the good guys won, it included every character, and it had an ending, there was not this crazy cliffhanger that we have to wait 4 months for. They went out there with an objective and told there story and now as viewers we can enjoy our summer and tune in again this fall.

The producers came out awhile back saying that this show is ultimately a show about the characters and how they grow, and they do not feel the need to kill of characters for plot points. (Bravo, I've been saying that for years.) Now Lost on the other hand.......

Lost had a clip show last Thursday to gear up for the Finale. The producers were hosting the show and at one point literally said, "This is a show about the characters, how they grow and rise up to these circumstances." These are the same producers who have already killed off 3 original cast members and about 5-6 new cast members. For the finale they have already promised that 5 people will die and one will be a MAJOR original member. If this is a story about the characters, why are they killing off these characters that the story is about??? There is going to be no one left that we as viewers are invested in. They are going to go three more seasons and have only 9 original plane survivors left. AT this rate the show will end with 3 or 4 left, now thats riveting entertainment.

Lost should take a lesson from Heroes and watch their characters grow on the screen and find other ways to tell their story without killing everyone. Also, it is okay to end a season at one place, their need not be a crazy cliffhanger.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

That's not inspirational anymore

James Frey has been receiving a lot of guff the past year plus after Oprah exposed him and found out some aspects of his top-selling "memoir" Million Little Pieces were fictionalized. He claimed he spent 9 months in jail when in fact it was one month and he claimed his love interest hanged herself when in fact she slit her wrists. The heart of the story, a story of someone over coming a crippling addiction against all odds after everyone else has abandoned him is still true. For over a year the book was in the top ten on all best-seller's lists, with everyone loving the inspirational tale. Then along came Oprah......

She exploited his book for ratings and pulled him on stage and called him out basically calling him a fraud and a disgrace of a writer. Remind of what you have written lately?? His book fell off every list, his publisher dropped his deal for two new books, and he lost his movie deal. He came out and apologized and said the story was still true, he just took "creative freedom" with a few parts. It didn't matter he vanished to nothingness. Now his publisher has agreed to pay back anyone who bought the book for a full refund. Apparently you will also have to return the ispiration the book supplied you as well. And those who it helped get over any addiction will once again have to become addicts.

You might want to sit down for this but.... most books you read aren't true. No one every accussed Steinbeck of being a fraud because Grapes of Wrath never happened. Don't even get me started on Walt Whitman....

The fact of the matter is everyone wants to crucify someone, especially if Oprah tells them to. Let it go people. The book is very well written and is still inspirational, enjoy it and shut up. Who here has never retold a story they heard and pretended it was their own story or ahs every exaggerated their own stoiries for effect??? Is you getting your $9.99 back really going to do anything?? All this is doing is taking a very talented young author away from what he loves to do, and some of us still lvoe to read. The world has been robbed of more novels from this gentleman and you never know who may have picked up one of this books and turned their life around. I hope you and Oprah can sleep well at night.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

I thought they were dead to you.....

I know I've stated many times that the NBA is dead to me, and don't get me wrong, it still is. It is a terrible influence on our youths, it's not entertaining, its too expensive, and its a joke. With that in mind I will actually say that the NBA could possibly redeem itself this postseason if they embraced the Spurs as their Champions.

The NAB should declare the SPURS a "dynasty," it would be there secind title in 3 years, and Duncans fourth in his young career. The NBA was at its highest during the two most most recent dynasties: The Bulls and Lakers. Football has seen a resurgence since the Patriots have become a dynasty. Everyone wants parity but everyone also wants a dynasty out there for everyone to gun at.

Tim Duncan is one of the top 5 sports celebrities that should be admired by all. He is never in news for anything negative, he is very well educated and well-spoken, and everyone that plays or coaches him has nothing but praise. His coach Greg Popovich has come out and said he will never coach a team that does not have Tim Duncan on it. Youth today should be looking up to him, not that clowns like Allen Iverson, Stephen Jackson, and half of the Detroit Pistons (I actually like Richard Hamilton). Seconds after the game that eliminated the Suns Duncan went up to Nash and hugged him, really hugged him (it wasn't even a "man-hug" it was the real deal.)

The Spurs play team basketball in every sense of the word, they don't put the ball in one guys hands and have them do some crazy one-on-one moves and throw up this crazy looking shot. The move the ball around, run actual plays and beat you in many different ways. They can beat you in slow-down basketball and in speed-up fast break basketball.

And no, the Spurs are not a dirty team, but the league did mis-handle that altercation with the Suns. Horry was trying to defend a player that is half his age and 50 times faster. He was moving his feet and caught him awkwardly. They were right by the sidelines so NAsh went into the scorers' table. If it had happened in the middle of the court, he would have just fallen over, no big deal. Both teams over reacted, period. All over sports media they are saying the Spurs are a dirty team and shouldn't win. Stop fighting it, just embrace it.

The NBA needs to get it together and turn away from their blacksheep players that are giving them a bad image. I know this is over half of the league, but. The NBA needs to embrace this stand-up guys like your Tim Duncans, Steve Nashes, Michael Redds, and Dirk Nowitickis. Goobye Iverson, Rasheed, Artest, Jackson, who needs ya.

Still Dead to Me.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Reality tv is more of a joke than you thought

Okay so the networks are realising their new schedules for the coming fall this week. I always like to look at the new shows and see how ridiculous they are and bet how long they will last and how many idiot Americans will watch it. This new "reality" show on CBS absilutely blew my mind. The show called "Kid Nation" takes 40 children to an abondoned New Mexican townand the viewers will watch as they try to set up a new society without adults. (I couldn't make this up.) Reread that synopisis if needed. Now let it sink in for a inute.

Okay, you're back. Only in a screwed up country like Amercia could this be entertainment. There are people all over the world that live in abandonded cities and towns and fight everyday to survive. Do you think these people find this entertaining? In this country we have kids who for various reasons don't have parents and they struggle everyday to survive. Do you think these people find this entertaining? We have kids in this country who have two fully-functioning parents and these kids can't fit into society and control themselves enough to be allowed in malls, with adult supervision. Putting 40 kids into an abondoned town will turn into our society's nightmare. Everyone out there who already has stereotypes of the youth today in their mind, will only have these ideas enforced by what they see on this program.

I hope that either CBS comes to its senses and never airs this program, or America comes to its senses and no one watches this. Neither of those will happen, so I guess its up to me..................

We have a first-timer

There are some situations people in which we should know what to expect to happen, its not your first time in this sitaution. For example don't be mad when someone asks you to be quite in a library, you've been here before, you know the routine. If you are on a bus and sitting by yourself on a seat and someone asks if you could move over so they can sit there, move over. You know the routine on a bus, people need to sit, calm down. When you walk into Wal*Mart some elderly person will great you and ask how are you doing. These things we should expect and not be thrown off by.

Yesterday I went to the grocery store to quick run in and grab something quick; in and out. This lady was in front of me and checked out normally just fine. Okay, thats a plus. Then the cashier asked her "paper or plastic?" Okay, no big deal you get asked that everytime you go to the store, you expect it. This lady was totally thrown off. First she asked "excuse me" as if this was the first time she had been asked this question. She then stuttered her answered and finally said paper. Then paused and changed her mind to plastic. They whole ordeal took over a minute. I know one minute is no big deal, but come on, if you struggle with these types of uestions I would hate to see you in real pressure situations.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Cool Shirt Dude

This is to put a stop to all those lame ass t-shirts that people wear thinking they are the coolest kids in the room. No matter how clever or cool you think the shirt is, its not. Don't wait all week and then pick you "coolest" t-shirt to wear when you go out on the weekend to prove to everybody that you are obviously cool. Would someone who is lame wear a t-shirt as clever and cool as this??

This past weekend a saw a group of guys out and about all wearing the lamest and most unoriginal t-shirts but they thought they were the coolest guys in the room. They were wearing such generic t-shirts as "I Like Beer" "College" (from animal house) "Beer makes you pretty" HEy guys those shirts are worn by every asshole in every city in america. Here's a tip: If the shirt is worn by hundreds of people it is not that clever and unique. I get it: you are a tool and like beer. Its a sad day if there are women in the room who see these guys wearing those shirts and are like: hey look at that guy, how clever he must be. Look at his shirt, ha, ha." The sad thing is that there probably are women out there who say exactly that.

If you want to really be clever wear something no one else is wearing, or even better yet stay at home with all your other pseudo-frat brothers pounding each others chests and seeing who can dress like the bigger tool.