Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Village Bicycle.......

It's a sad day here in the Chopper household. My car hit the 100,000 mile mark this afternoon. As promised, the second it 100,000 miles I just pulled over, got out, lit the car on fire, and walked away. You'll be missed, we made many late night runs to "take care of business." I was raised that once anything has served it's purpose, just light it on fire and leave by the side of the road.


Anonymous said...

too bad you cant just push it down the abortion ramp like how you deal with all your other 'mistakes'

edgrimly said...

Though you cant abort a car, I think the man has, what, like 5 kids to feed? I would think that burning it is the best solution. The three bodies in the trunk could have suffered a worse fate.