Monday, May 11, 2009

Dead to Me

It's been a little bit since something has wronged me and has become Dead to Me. This weekend Local Channel 12 news took that honor.

I don't know if anyone watched that Michael J. Fox special on optimism on Thursday night or not. It wasn't bad for what was basically a fluff piece. It was him promoting his book and just looking at the bright side of things in the life, especially in a time when there is some much wrong going on. I enjoyed it. That is until about 2 minutes left in it. HEre is what happened.

I taped the show and decided to watch it Sunday night. I'm going through and watching it, and enjoying it. It is accomplishing what it set out to you, to make the viewers feel happy. There was about 2 minutes left and Michael J Fox was sitting there summarizing everything and how great it makes him feel to have met all these people in the show that are so optimistic every day of their life. Then all of a sudden local channel 12 news breaks in for a "Breaking News story."

They are talking about a shooting that has happened, and this story last about 5 minutes, and when it is over, the show is over, and they go right into the news. I don't want to sound decencitized to violence, but this got me pissed. Sadly people are shot, it happens, and society is falling apart, I get that. But, the news was 2 minutes away from starting, could this have not waited? Seriously, 2 minutes. The other thing was that this show was such an uplifting experience, and showed you all that was right in the world, then they break into the end to remind you that the world is still f**ked. Thanks.

I have e-mailed them and told them how disappointed I was and vowed to never watch their local news coverage again. (FYI, I never watched it to begin with.)

For shame, Local Channel 12.

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