Monday, November 16, 2009

Can I audit that course?

To keep up the string of posts about great television, today this post is about The Wire. Harvard is going to offer a course on The Wire for students. This seems awesome. You get to watch the Wire, discuss it intelligently with other smart people, and get college credit at Harvard. Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet. Sign me up. I can't believe they can get this class accredited, it seems a bit easy for Harvard. (Editor's note: I took a class on The Music of The Beatles for college credit at a top 15 university. Suck on that.)

I got a glimpse of the syllabus for The Wire course and found out what the first two unit are on.

Unit 1 is a discussion of the Top 100 lines on the show ever. Take a glimpe at the notes for the class:

Unit 2 is about Omar. Great bad-ass or greatest. Here is the evidence.

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