Saturday, March 24, 2007

Another Saturday

Another Saturday has flown by and instead of sitting around doing nothing all day, like I usually do, I got up and learned that the world functions oddly on Saturdays. Its almost as if everyone gets up and thinks, "Hey, I worked hard all week in my cubicle, today I can be an obnoxious asshole."

I had to change by headlight on my car (this is a long story, and another blog). I eventually have to go out to Autozone on Bluemound to by one. On my back back driving down Bluemound, there was an accident. Not a big deal, right? Just merge over, drive past, and continue on your way. So I',m driving and let people merge in front of me and when I get closer I see that my lane is also closed and must merge as well. No problem, someone lets me over. Then out of no where some guy come down from a lane that is closed in about 50 feet flying past me and another car and then "merges" into our lane. I notice that this guy is on his cell phone, driving way too fast, and oblivious to other traffic. All this right in front of an accident. This is like hearing about a food poisoning case at a restaurant and then deciding to go out and eat there.

In the evening I went with my parents to eat. We went to this new Mexican restaurnat on 114th and Bluemound. Its a casual restaurant, my guess around 2 stars, nothing too special, but still a nice restaurant. Once there a group of two couples, my guess around 25-30 come and sit down. Both guys are wearing baseball caps backwards thinking they're the coolest kids in school. Heres a general rule as far as I'm concerned? Wherever you are, however stupid your haircut is, one should not bear a hat at a restaurnat. I don't care if you are at Denny's or the Ritz. There's no sun in doors, or style points awarded. Take it off. There was also a couple in their 50's who needed to understand that there are a lot of people living in this world, all living it in different ways. The second they sat down, there immediate question to the young busboy who sat them was, "How far away is smoking." He didn't understand the question but eventually told them that it was behind this set of doors. The then said, "I guess thats alright." Yes lady that is "alright" smoke 50 feet away behind some doors will not kill you, now settle down. Once they got their food, they picked at it and asked for extra sour cream and quacamole, then said they didn't like it and wanted to order something different. People, stay home and make your own lives miserable, there is no reason to make anyone else's life miserable in the meantime.

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