Wednesday, September 26, 2007


I am a fan of saying that no one is untouchable, everyone is replaceable, especially in the world of sports. Even at his heyday the Bulls said Jordan wasn't untouchable, if they got the right offer or he asked for too much money they would trade him. Shaq, Kevin Garnett, Terrell Owens, and others have all been traded.

The theory going on in my head is that if the Brewers fail to make the playoffs after having such a lead and having the best record in baseball, surely Yost would be fired but after yesterday's game the owner Mark Attanasio said that “Ned is fine,” indicating that his job was not in jeopardy. WTF? He has no idea what he is doing, leaves pitchers in too long, takes out his bets hitter for his worst hitter, and his players hate him and aren't afraid to tell him that. No one listens to this clown, for crying out loud he scratches a mosquito and someone steals third. Even if the Brewers won the world series, he should be fired. Look at Marty Shottenheimer of the Chargers; last year they were 14-2 and he still got canned. Yost needs to be out of there as fast as my ex-wife left me after she popped out her second kid.


Anonymous said...

dbag i need an extra ticket for the game.. 2 for mason

edgrimly said...

I dont think that the owner would have come out with "This just aint workin out Nedly" with 5 games left to play. He said what he should have said at the time. Though he does need to get fired, if it happens it will be after the season, and post season, is over. If he is around next year, it will be as a lame duck mgr. No body in their right mind would pick up his option in 09 either.

Muntaba Lambego said...

Maybe he is taking the George W Bush approach and saying he has no intention of firing him, then a few days later he will be gone

edgrimly said...

My thoughts exactly