Thursday, September 6, 2007

You're welcome a@*-hole

Some of my readers were noticing that I haven't been as angry or grippy recently. Fear not; I am back to working 40+ hours a week with high school students, my anger couldn't be higher.

While driving home from work I usually just take city streets and take my time. Its nice to just sit in my car and listen to my music and calmly drive home after a long day at work. Whenever someone needs to change lanes or turn I usually stop and let them in because I am in no hurry at all. I have noticed this week that no one ever raises their hand to thank the driver who let them in anymore.

I was driving home today and someone was trying to turn left onto a busy 2 way each direction street. I stopped to let him in and he then stopped in front of me for awhile until the next lane stopped for him and he was eventually able to turn. This driver did not raise his hand to thank either of us. (His window was even open, he could have verbally said thank you if he had wished.) People, it doesn't get any easier than this. Raise your hand to thank another driver for making your day easier and saving you time.

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