Sunday, June 1, 2008

A bit extreme don't you think?

I was watching TV the other night and saw a preview for the local 10 o'clock news about a story that said "How one school district is dealing with the gasoline crisis?" Since I am not a fan of local news, I passed on watching and decided to read a 30 second summary on the Internets.

So they are dealing with the crisis by only having school 4 days a week? What? So instead of educate the populous so they can maybe find solutions to the worlds current problems we are removing them from school and dumbing the down. Brilliant. It's been awhile since I read Art of War (great book) but one of the ways discussed to bring a nation to their knees is to immobilize and uneducate their people. It seems as if we are doing that ourselves. Our national government is suggesting we not travel as much and now we are limiting our educational opportunities for our people.

Then again this might all just be because the school district is in Minnesota, no one ever said their governmental body was intelligent.

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