Sunday, May 27, 2007

Vending Machine Technology

I have a lot of down time where I just sit around with my thoughts, and as you can imagine, that can be a frightening experience. There's a Seinfeld episode in which George talks about how Toilet Paper has not advanced at all since it was first invented, and probably never would. His girlfriend was fascinated by this and led George believe that this girl may be "the one." Jerry then pointed out a number of advancements that toilet paper has made over the years. One thing I've been thinking about lately is the lack of advancement in vending machine technology and related fields.

You still have to go up to a vending machine, insert your money, type in a letter and number, watch the coilly thing uncurl and watch your selection fall down. You then recieve your change and retrieve your treat, often times broke from the fall. This process has many falls that you think could have been reconciled with technology. For example, this week I was on Marquette University Campus and needed a quick snack. I went to the vending machine and also noticed that all I had was a $5. Without thinking I put it in and made my selection, and got my bag of chex mix. The machine then proceeded to give me my change in quarters and dimes. There are obviously $1 in the machine from other people buying stuff. You would think that we would have the technology to give back change in $1. But no, now I have $4.25 in quarters and dimes.

Other areas of technology needs:
  • A softer, more cushy way for the item to fall so it doesn't break
  • A better system than the coilly thing that get stuck and sometimes you get nothing. A lever that goes up and down and pushed your item off maybe.
  • A way to accept debit cards. I know purchases are only like $0.75, but why not.
  • A way to accept or cancel your choice after typing it in, in case you typed in the wrong number.
On a side not, I have always wondered why Gas Stations do not use vending machine technology on their pumps. When you get gas you either have to use a credit card or go in and pay with cash. Wouldn't it make sense to allow customers pay with cash right at the pump. With gas prices so high there are stories about people leaving without paying for gas and now many gas stations are requiring pre-paying for gas. So now a customer must walk in and pay first, then pump gas. Also, if I don't have a credit card I can't pump gas late at night when the inside is closed. (many gas stations are 24 hours, but only at the pump with a credit card.) To me it would make sense to allow someone to put in $20 in cash at the pump, and then be able to pump $20 of gas and leave. Not having to go into the store and take extra time. But then again, what do I know ?

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