Wednesday, May 16, 2007

We have a first-timer

There are some situations people in which we should know what to expect to happen, its not your first time in this sitaution. For example don't be mad when someone asks you to be quite in a library, you've been here before, you know the routine. If you are on a bus and sitting by yourself on a seat and someone asks if you could move over so they can sit there, move over. You know the routine on a bus, people need to sit, calm down. When you walk into Wal*Mart some elderly person will great you and ask how are you doing. These things we should expect and not be thrown off by.

Yesterday I went to the grocery store to quick run in and grab something quick; in and out. This lady was in front of me and checked out normally just fine. Okay, thats a plus. Then the cashier asked her "paper or plastic?" Okay, no big deal you get asked that everytime you go to the store, you expect it. This lady was totally thrown off. First she asked "excuse me" as if this was the first time she had been asked this question. She then stuttered her answered and finally said paper. Then paused and changed her mind to plastic. They whole ordeal took over a minute. I know one minute is no big deal, but come on, if you struggle with these types of uestions I would hate to see you in real pressure situations.

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