Monday, August 13, 2007

Now That's Job Loyalty

The CEO of the CHinese toy company that is responsible for the lead paint related toy recall hanged himself over the subject. Apparently he was so distraught and embarassed over it he didn't know how to handle it and hanged himself. The story also goes to explain how the real blame goes to the paint company who was using lead based paint to paint children's toys. The crazy part is that the CEO of that company was his best friend. Many of my avid readers have worked in restaurants int he past, and this would be like ringing in the wrong food and then deciding to kill yourself instead of facing the public scrutiny.

I guess it is common in China for public officials to commit suicide when faced with public embarrassment. Could you imagine if that were the case here in the states. Where would that put Paris Hilton, Lindsey Lohan, Alec Baldwin, David Hasselhoff, and Nicole Ritchie? President Bush is caught in his lie about WMD's in IRaq, oh woops, what does he do, lie more. In China the President would probably kill himself. That is just bizarre to me to have a culture wherein that happens so often. They are no reported cases of children ingesting the paint and becoming sick. 75% of the toys were stopped before shipping, yet this guy is so affected by this.


Anonymous said...

again.. racist

edgrimly said...

That happened to me one night.....and I havent been back since. By all stretches of the imagination, I am dead.