Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Unfortunetly anger cannot take a day off. Even on Christmas I see and read things that get me angry. Yesterday in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel I read an article originally from the New York TImes about a trend called "Shopdropping."

In this people ("hippies") put merchandise and propaganda into stores and merchandise instead of taking things from the store. They put propaganda fliers in books, anti consumer groups put replica merchandise on shelves, small musical artists and authors put there products on the shelves. (I always wondered why that Tickle Me Elmo I bought a few years back started screaming for help every time someone tickled it instead of laughing like it was suppossed to.)

I don't know why, but I am finding this practice to be bizarre. Seems very cowardly way of going about things. Didn't anyone ever hear of facing your enemy straight on? How about some "Fight Club" tactics? Hippies!

This is yet another reason the terrorists are winning and sales are down at all store across the nation. People think they might be buying some hippy-created propaganda.

Here's to another anger-filled holiday. Wouldn't have it any other way.

1 comment:

Muntaba Lambego said...

i'm putting your check in the mail tomorrow