Friday, January 18, 2008

Let's get to work people!

Since this little writer's strike is almost entering it's 3rd month, I was going to take a moment and reflect on all of this. Reports estimate that the strike has cost Hollywood about $1.4 billion, and rising. Is this all really necessary? All the writer's really want is to make a few more pennies on the dollar, literally. Their main bargaining point is that they would like to make 4 cents per DVD sold, instead of the 2 cents they get now. All this is over 2 cents? WTF? If they had given this to them right away and no strike ever happened, they would not have lost that $1.4 billion and it would take over 10 years to lose that much over the new raise to 4 cents.

In honor of the strike and these money hungry a#@-holes I have featured two videos. One is from the always funny Colbert Report, the other is from the always profane Wu Tang Clan. Enjoy.

1 comment:

edgrimly said...

That scab was adorable.