Tuesday, July 31, 2007

What a pompous ass....

I was watching Sports Center during the day today and they were obviously talking about Bonds. He is in LA and they were talking about what if he broke the record there, what would be the reaction. Obviously they would boo, no body likes Bonds. They mentioned that of any city LA hates him the most and then they talked about why that is. 8 years ago they played towards the end of the season for the division lead. Bonds hit a three run walk off homer and they eventually swept the series, won the division, and the Dodgers team was dismantled.

However, 2 things stand out about the video. First, Bonds was tiny in the video, and this was only 8 years ago. This was not video of his rookie season when he was only 20, he was a grown man, just wasn't on steroids yet. Second, after he hit the homer he stood there and watched it, took 2 steps, then did a spin move before rounding the bases. What a pompous ass.

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