We may have a new member of the Brewers that will make our friend Derrick TurnBlow look like an All*Star Again.
Eric Gagne pitched a "gem" of a ninth inning. This really has me quite scarred. What ever happened to this Gagne:
Oh yeah steroids.... Lets see who the boy-genius himself, Ned Yost, puts in the game tomorrow to close it. Sadly, it may not matter now that we have two guys who couldn't close the deal with a drunk, depressed, emo girl with low self-esteem.
Just wanted to say it is a great day, I am sitting here watching regular season baseball, what could be better than that?
Now the anger-ranting part: why did Major League Baseball select the Sunday night opening game to be Nationals vs. Braves? These two teams are not very good. Why not a real rivalry like Red Sox vs Yankees, Brewers vs. Cubs, or even Phillies vs. Mets. Some combination of teams that actually have a chance to win their division. Also of note, I was watching Baseball Tonight before the game and one of the idiots on it picked The Braves to win the division. I know its The Braves and they have Bobby Cox, but come on. The Mets have a payroll of about $1 billion, the Phillies won it last year and have the same team, and the Braves lost Andruw Jones and added no one. I guarantee you right now that they do no win that division.
"It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt." THis seemed to be one of those things everyone heard from their mother a million times while growing up, but apparently these two knuckleheads never got that speech.
Someone should of told that guy the old saying, "Don't bring a snowball to a knife fight."
One could easily blame Mother Nature for this, yet I simply blame utter-stupidity. I mean, come on people.
I have always kept a careful eye on the obese members of our society and people always thought I was crazy. For years I said that these people were up to something and had a grand plan to all their weight gain. Now there have been studies showing that obesity can lead to dementia later in life. I'm not a science man but to me this seems like a bit of a stretch and even a little bit of a cop-out. Then again, maybe I can use this to my advantage down the line. It's not my fault that I went crazy and killed all those hookers, my parents fed me too much as a child and I suffered from childhood obesity. Excellent, I know a few lawyers who are always looking for some loopholes in our legal system.
Since I am on SPRING BREAK! I have been watching some movies (after I've had enough fun at the beach of course). I decided to have a theme for all my movies and I chose movies dealing with the Apocalypse (either during or after said event). I then got to thinking, "what is the best apocalyptic movie out there?" I did a google search and quickly found out that there is a difference between apocalypse movies (majority of movie takes place right before said event or during) and post-apocalyptic movies (majority of movie takes place after said event). Many of the sci-fi nerds in the blog-o-sphere are offended if you do not make the distinction. For the sake of my argument I am lumping them both together.
In general the top choices are usually a combination of:
Planet of the Apes
12 Monkeys
Mad Max Series
The Omega Man
Escape from New York
My personal top list is:
Children of Men (has an interesting premise on how the world would end, also has a cool 30 minute explosion scene at the end shot with just one moving camera)
12 Monkeys (really interesting, and confuisng in a way that makes you think)
I am Legend (which is the same story as The Omega Man, just updated and I think Will Smith does a good job of portraying what it would be like to be the last human alive and how you would go nuts)
Planet of the Apes (Damn you Dirty Apes!!, actually all of them in series are interesting. The remake was god-awful)
28 Days Later (cool and intense)
Look out next year for The Road- best apocalypse book may become best movie.
The Postman (Waterworld on land)
All in all I think science fiction movies revolving around the apocalypse are cool movies; they have action and explosions but also have an interesting plot that makes you think while watching them.
A topic of heated debate at the bar last night was: "Who is going to be remembered as the best abd most talented actor of the last 10 years. We each created our top 5 actors of the last 10 years (obviously actresses do not count). My list was the following:
An argument ensued over everyone's list, which is a good thing. The beautiful thing about such lists is that everyone's opinion matters. Except if you are an idiot and make no sense. One of the barmates there argued that Edward Norton was a better actor than Leonardo DiCaprio and will be remembered more 20 years from now. WTF? Edward Norton is a very good actor. He is unbelievable in American History X and Primal Fear, but has anyone seen The Score, Death to Smoochey, or The Italian Job? Terrible. Norton is the prime example of someone who has made a few great movies and everyone has dubbed him a god, but doesn't have what it takes for the long haul. DiCaprio has been nominated 4 times, and pulled off drastically different roles in the same year (Gangs of New York and Catch Me if You Can; Blood Diamond and Departed). This is no contest.
Test time ladies. Last night at said local bar we also had a few trivia contests among fellow bar guests. This one was interesting. Take out a piece of paper and try this one: George W is our 43rd President, how many do you think you can name? (Our thought was that 75% of the general public could only name less than half)
How many did you get? I got 22, the high at the bar was 28.
I was sitting around at a bar last night (SPRING BREAK!) and was engaging in some small talk with the locals. My bar stool neighbor noticed the drinking age sign that said you must be born on this date in 1987. We thought, wow 1987, think of how young that is. (Fact, that makes them 21 years old) We then thought about everything someone born in 1987 would have missed in the world. We thought about the "Big" events of the 1980's and discussed the two biggest: The Challenger Exploding and the Fall of the Berlin Wall. Those two of huge events that everyone remembers "where they were when..." These kids born in 1987 don't have this.
Our discussion then went into what are the 2-3 biggest events from each decade. 1980's were those two mentioned and we add a split between E.T. being released and MTV debuting. We then turned to the 1990's and really couldn't think of anything in terms of one moment when people ask: "where were you when..." The closest we got was The OJ chase, Rodney King Riots, and invading Iraq in 1990. None of which were one particular moment in history. In the 2000s all we could think of was September 11 and capturing Saddam Hussein.
We then discussed why this is. Why are there so many big historical moments in the 60s, 70s, and 80s, but really only one since (September 11th)? My barmate broke it down to the fact that news is everywhere nowadays. There are 4+ 24-hour news channels and the limitless Internets (there is more than porno apparently). He argues that if we were not constantly bombarded with news coverage at every corner world events, such as Fidel Castro resigning, were hold more weight and would seem more important to the world around. I think this is an interesting point to be made. Twenty years ago the only way to know what was going on in the world was to either read the morning paper (most people are illiterate) or watch the evening news, which was only on at 5 and 10. Today you can turn on TV at any hour and know what is going on in the world in less than 5 minutes (yet most people watch American Idol anyways). I think we get tired of hearing constantly how f**ked up the world is and get turned off from the whole thing after awhile.
Just wanted all you avid blog-o-sphere readers to remember that your Blogfather here is on Spring Break! I spent all day down at the beach, what a good time. Sand volleyball, chasing beach babes, wet t-shirt contests, tequila shooters, good times by all.
I hope the rest of you are having a good time working for The Man this week.
So here comes yet another movie that leaves you scratching your head 'Why?'
These parody movies have run their course years ago. I can say that Don't Be A Menace, Scary Movie 1 and Scary Movie 2 were really funny and did a great job of actually parody movies. However since the Wayan brothers stopped contributing to the world of parody, they have not been the same. Nowadays they are just a series of poorly written 30 second jokes that do not connect together in any manner. I think they are on Scary Movie 5, there was just Meet the Spartans, and now this. Why?
The biggest questions raised is why is Leslie Nielson and Tracy Morgan attached to this? Leslie Nielson is a great actor from an age past us. He started as a very dramatic actor and then transitioned into great slap stick roles on Airplane! and Naked Gun. Please don't end your career on a clunker like this. (He is 82). Tracy Morgan is actually a hilarious actor, why does he need this. He is the second best part of 30 Rock behind Alec Baldwin and makes hilarious guest spots on morning TV news shows.
Please Hollywood stop making all these terrible movies. There does not need to be 6 new releases every weekend, since 5 of them are terrible. Start considering to just release one movie a week, just make sure it is good.
So the lovely state of Wisconsin received another nice little f**k-you from Mother Nature on Friday. She decided to drop upon us another 12-15 inches of snow in one day, and remember this was the second day of Spring. So by now everyone has a pretty good system on how to deal with the snow. I decided to go out to my parents house to hide away for the day. They have a drive way and a garage (and electricity), 3 things I do not have. If I stayed at my place I would not be able to park on the street, and I have no where else to park, so I usually leave when it snows more than like 4-5 inches.
No bug deal, I just lie around watching movies all day. I go out and plow their drive three times, and each time there is a good 4-5 inches of really heavy snow. The last time I do this is at 10:15. I then decide to go out and get some food and just go out and stretch my legs. It had pretty much stopped snowing, but the roads were still pretty bad because the plows had not gone through yet. I came back around at around 12:30-1:00 to came back to this: What are we supposed to do with this? Thanks a lot plow guy, how is anyone supposed to get through this. The real problem became that when it was actually snowing it wasn't all that cold, but now it was about 20 degrees, so this was all basically ice. After about an hour of working on it I got it down to this: At that point at least I could get my car into the driveway and could work on the rest in the morning. I also lookeda cross the street and everyone's driveway was plowed in just as bad or worse. My parent's neighbors across the street are retired couple that hve no chacne of removing that snow, I hope they have no where to go for the next week.
What really gets me anger-ranting is that by the snow plow guy doing this he is indirectly putting tax=payers at risk. Lets say something happened in the middle of the night and someone needed to drive somewhere, they would need a good hour head start to remove the snow. Or let's say someone had a heart attack and called an ambulance, the paramedics would have a hard time getting the stretcher and other equipment into the house. Come on people. I know driving a snow plow at 11-12 at night is not the most luxurious job, but by you saving yourself a few minutes, you are having many a people waste hours trying to get out of their driveway and are inadvertently putting lives at risk. You are on notice.
Well Larry Harris, the half-witted GM of the lowly Milwaukee Bucks was finally fired today. I know at some point, some where, with someone I bet $1 that he would not make it through the year. I mean he has been GM for 5 years now, and the Bucks payroll is going up yet their record is going down. They over pay the wrong players, draft the wrong players, trade away the wrong players, and trade for the wrong players. A dead one armed blind monkey could do better.
I meant to make this comments on Tuesday night, but it's been a crazy week. I had a lot of "business" to take care of.
Without further adieu, I went to the Bruce Springsteen concert on Monday night at the Bradley Center. It was a good time to be had. He puts on a good old fashion Rock 'n Roll Show. He played for 2 hours and 20 minutes nonstop. However, knowing me, there was plenty to rant about.
The ticket said there was a start time of 7:30, yet the first chord was struck at 8:20, why not just put that time on the ticket.
Pat Riley showed up at around 8:15 and received VIP service to the front of the crowd. Come on, it's Pat Riley of the last place Miami Heat.
In just the small area I was in I saw 6 children the ages of 9-13. A music concert is no place for children, especially on a Monday night.
When we walked in we were told to turn off our phones, and anyone seen using one would lose their phone. One of our group asked if she could keep it on vibrate in case your kids called, and the security guard said; "No, I wouldn't take that chance." I double dare a security guard to try to take a phone away from a single mother trying to make sure her kids are alright.
They were charging $30 to park in parking complexes in the area. This is Milwaukee people! I drove three extra blocks and parked for free on the street and had a 6 minute walk. Easiest $30 I ever saved.
Some lady pulled up next to me and said she wasn't from the city of Milwaukee, but from the suburbs, while I was waiting outside at 6:20 PM, and asked where the nearest Starbucks was. I told her where it was, about 5 blocks away. She then asked "How bad of a neighborhood is that." I know everyone who lives in the suburbs thinks the entire city is one giant gang war, but it is actually safe enough to go to a Starbucks in the middle of downtown at 6:20 PM.
This once again proves my theory that people from the South are idiots. I love the bar owner Steve SMith who says "drinking, rednecks, and bars do not mix." And then he goes on to say that if this law passes he is going to go open a funeral home. At least someone down there has a brain in their head.
Today is turning out to be a good day. I just want out and bought my first Brewer's tickets for the game. Any day is good when you do that. Baseball season is so close, you can smell it.
I was lying around today trying to shake off a hangover and saw the following commercial on ABC:
Why are we allowing this?
First, can you believe they are still making new seasons of the Bachelor? I guess this is season 12 of this garbage? No "winner" of this show has ever ended up with the guy for longer than 6 months. It's pretty much just a means for people to get on TV and act all cool and hip in front of millions of housewives across the country.
Secondly, why are we allowing some British dude over here for this? Did they run out of American men that were willing to look like an idiot on TV? I doubt it. There's the line in which the guy says: "I'm here to steal your women?" What? Sure, you can come here and steal my ex-wife, but all our women? This reality show actually looks like a cover for phase one of Great Britain invading America and finally getting their revenge for The Revolutionary War.
There are 4 million people in America that should save us all time and kill themselves. Over the weekend the movie 10,000 BC (which I claim without seeing it, it is the worst movie of the year) grossed 35 million dollars. That means almost 4 million people saw a movie entirely created on computers about cavemen fighting dinosaurs and prehistoric creatures. I don't get it. It's not historically accurate, there's no adventure, no character development, and if you want an action movie go see something with guns and explosions.
How can a movie like this gross 34 million in one weekend, and in the 5 months it was out No Coutnry for Old Men only grossed 75 million. PEOPLE ARE IDIOTS. They wouldn't know a good movie if it bit them on the ass. No Country for Old Men even won many Golden Globes (for you hippies) and numerous Academy Awards, what more do you want. Sorry there were no CGI sabretooth lions in it. Maybe in the sequel.
On MOnday night Stephen Colbert had John Legend on his show to just talk as his guest. They compared awards; Legend has 5 Grammys and Colbert has 2 Peabodys and 4 Emmy's. Legend ended up winning because he was Prom King. Then they talked politics., even though Legend based his views on nothing. Legend backed Obama because he is the candidate that will really represent America, Colbert said Obama was the best candidate because he too has a Grammy. Yada Yada Yada. Then right before the show ended they did a little duet that was pretty cool.
With all these artists collaborating nowadays and make all these duet albums, I think they next logical album would be Stephen Colbert singing all the "I love America" songs as duets with various artists. Colbert and Fred Durst singing God Bless America or Colbert and John Mayer singing Blame Canada, could bring the house down.
Also, here's an interesting read on the 'Colbert Bump.'
Too bad the NBA is dead to me but I guess there is a crazy tight race for the playoffs in thw West this year. Only 5 games separates the 1st place team and the ninth place team. Seems like it could be a very interesting stretch run, almost worth watching. Then I remember why its dead to me.
Over half the teams make it into the playoffs.
4 teams below .500 in the East will make the playoffs
Players can wine enough and get traded automatically (See Jason Kidd, Stephon Marbury (2X), Allen Iverson, Sean Marion, Shaq (3x), Chris Webber, Latrell Sprewell, Steve Francis, Tracy McGrady, and many more)
Some how the Lakers are once again in first.
Teams that play real team basketball, San ANtonio, Utah, New Orleans, get no recogntion.
The games are still rigged
The referees are arbitrary a**-holes.
The Bucks should have drafter Chris Paul over Bogut. The kid might be the best player in the league, definelty the best of that draft. He is averageing over 20 points, 11 assists, and 3 steals a game. There is absolutely no talent on that tema, yet they are in 3rd in the West.
Spring Break is almost here, and just in time President Bush has vetoed some important legislation. Apparently some anti-fun lobbyists wanted to ban waterboarding for everyone.
Why would anyone want to stop people from being able to do that, especially with Spring Break right around the corner? Oh wait, that is wake boarding. My bad......apparently waterboarding is something totally different. Let me do some research on it before I rant further on this veto.
Now if only I could find something I was good at, they could add the word savant to my name. Maybe I should try spinning a canvas and throw paint at it.
As we are all aware out in the blog-o-sphere, Brett Favre retired. Oddly enough my life, and the world beyound, goes on.
Was Favre one of the best ever? Yes
Was he one of the most entertaining athletes to watch ever? Yes
Would the Packers still be a laughing stock of a franchise like they were in the early 90s without him? Yes
Was he still productive the last 3 years, even at his age? Yes
Did his heroics prevent many wives from being beaten? Yes
Did his many interceptions cause wives to be beaten? Yes
Did the Packers over-achieve last year? Yes
Did the Packers choke and lose to the terrible Giants? Yes
Could the Packers have one it all last year? Yes
Will the Packers be just as good next year without Favre? Yes
Was Favre their team MVP this year? Yes
Would he have been next year? No (My bet is Ryan Grant or Greg Jennings)
Is it fitting that his last pass was an interception? Yes
Are the Packers less exciting without him? Yes
Will they win their division next year? Yes (the Vikings will give them a run for the money)
Will they make it to the NFC Championship game? No
Should they consider signing a veteran QB? Yes
Will Aaron Rogers be their starting QB next year? Yes
Will every sports fan, even Bears fans miss him? Yes
The fact of the matter is that Favre had to retire sometime, probably within the next 2 years. So why not now, when the NFC is not very strong, and especially the NFC North? Why not now when the Packers have a pretty good team, some of the best wide receivers, a above average running back, and a top ten defense? I bet they make no move at any free agent QB's, even though there are some available. I bet Aaron Rogers is our QB, and that may not be a bad thing. He looked very good against Dallas, even if it was for just a half of the game. I bet the Pack wins the division, finished 10-6. They host a first round game against the Giants. They win 24-13. In the second round they lose at Dallas 12-20. Everyone begins to wonder, "What if?" Dallas eventually beats Jacksonville in the Super Bowl. Then all 0ff season next year people wonder if Favre comes back for one year. (He doesn't, wives get beaten)
having not given up hope on my I-pod I went online searching for answers on how to save it. Nothing seemed to be working. Then I downloaded the newest patch and tried it on my old clunker of a computer. It took about an hour to load up and connect to my I-pod but it successfully set my I-Pod back to factory settings. I am now working on putting all my music back on my I-pod. and then all will be right with the world again. I will once again have 30 gigs of music ready at my fingertips.
Vote however you want to vote, just be sure to vote. However if you base your vote on some video like this, you my patriotic friend are an idiot.
It looks cool, and has a cool sound to it, but tells nothing about the candidate. Yes, chanting Obama, Obama sounds a lot cooler than McCain, McCain, but seriously. I guess if you don't vote for Obama you hate America, you hate all those B-list actors, and you hate Jessica Alba's unborn child. How dare you.
So I am sure we all heard of seen posters for this new concert that is in various cities, Video Games Live. I guess it is basically an orchestra playing all these songs from classic video games like Mario Brothers, Zelda, and Sonic. Seems kind of boring, and not worth the $30 to go. Here is a sample:
I think it would have been a lot cooler if it were like this:
I still blame video games for all my problems in life, my three divorces, my manslaughter charges, my $50,000 in debt, and my fear of turtles.