Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Athlete Personal Lives

I was sitting at work today and like usual reading all the articles I could find on my favorite baseball player (and possibly my father) Jose Canseco. I ran across this one that is hilarous. First Canseco accuses A-Rod of using Steroids, and now for cheating with his wife. What does Canseco have against A-Rod anyways. At this point Canseco is a walking joke. He has "written" two books on people he thinks has used steroids, has been on many celebrity reality shows, and once had a ball bounce of his head and turn into a homerun.

Also of note is Matt Leinhart's busy weekend. What;s wrong with a 26 year-old professional athlete hanging out with 20 year-olds and doing beer bongs? If I never did that I would never get a date.


edgrimly said...

You forgot Jose pitching. The downfall of his career.

Anonymous said...

your erstwhile father figure has been busy...