Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Still Funny

I'm sitting here tonight trying to relax after another day and try to silence the voices in my head. I decided to give the old television a chance. On NBC they are playing the Best of Alec Baldwin on SNL. I have argued for years (even before his turn on 30 Rock) that Alec Baldwin was an under-appreciated comedian and may have been the best host of SNL ever over the course of his career. He never had the single best skit or the single best episode, but throughout all his times on SNL his stuff was hilarious. (Him and Sandler camping...Sweaty Balls...Bill Bradskey, classic).

Alec Baldwin is also hilarious off screen.


Not sure what this is, but that costume he is wearing is hilarious!

The Departed is a great movie, but his banter with Marky-Mark is classic.

1 comment:

edgrimly said...

That was a good one you thoughtless little pig.