Thursday, April 24, 2008


I was getting ready for another day working for the man and decided to turn on the morning news to see what was happening in the world. I should have known that I would see something that would get my juices going so early. The local news featured this story about flowers and rainbows.

Just kidding, it is a story about the guy who owns the company who sold the guns used at Virginia Tech AND in Illinois recently, wants to pass a law allowing for concealed weapons on college campuses. The best line from the article is the school official who says "it was 'terribly offensive' that Thompson would set foot on campus." I mean what is this guy thinking? I sold guns to two people who collectively killed nearly 50 innocent people, I should advocate more people to have guns? How is this guy even in business, who is still buying guns from him? Future serial killers?

I didn't do very well in business classes, but doesn't this guy have an unethical incentive here? If students are allowed to have concealed weapons, more students would buy a gun, he would make more profit. Wow, what a novel idea.

This concelaed weapons on college campuses has many loyal followers, and even a website. CNN has even done a recent story on it. I once knew a couple of guys in college that had some very heated arguments. Once one of them threw a vodka bottle at the other, threw a chair at the other, threw a slice of pizza, and threw his glass bear glass off the balcony. I would hate to see what would have had if either of them had a concealed weapon.


Anonymous said...

listen.. jerry brought that on himself.. he threw my beer glass first

edgrimly said...

So you guys get pretty violent?

Anonymous said...

I carry a concealed weapon everytime I put my hands in my pockets.