Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Best of..........(volume 1)

Happy New Year's Loyal Readers-

I went to a store to pick up some beer and a women was loudly on the phone and I overheard her saying. "yeah, I got everything, just need to get some ice, but I am not sure how I will keep it cold." WTF? It's 6 degrees outside woman.

With the end of the year hours away, here are a few of my Best of Lists:

Best Movies of the Year
  1. Batman: Dark Knight- just a cool, fun movie that you can watch over and over again. All the characters are perfectly cast with the actors. Heath Ledger is great, but the rest of the cast is just as good.
  2. Curious Case of Benjamin Button: In my opinion the best movie of the year. It probably won't win any awards with all the artsy-fartsy and foreign films that are "live-changing" that will get nominated. The movie is in the same feign as Forrest Gump, but in my opinion is better. David Fincher does a great job of directing, and somehow gets Brad Pitt to look 90 all the way down to about 18. It's a cool story, well acted, interesting plot twists, and great character development. Brad Pitt does a great job of being in every scene, but he will probably not get nominated. See this movie.
  3. Tropic Thunder- the funniest movie since SuperBad. The pull no punches making fun of all people, even themselves. There is something to be said about still making potty humor jokes when you are almost 40. Robert Downey Jr. is great as well.
  4. Iron Man- another great movie to just watch. It's not going to change your life, but it is entertaining. The plot is a little goofy at times, but who cares. Very fun. Again, Robert Downey jr. is great.
  5. Wall-E: I know this is a kid's movie, but you really have to appreciate and respect what they did hear. It is a movie about a lonely, dark future in which a robot goes against everything it is programmed to do, and saves Earth. Somehow they pull it off with very, very little talking. I think I read somewhere that there is less than 7 minutes of talking. Very well done.
  6. Hancock- I know some people didn't like this movie because it wasn't what they thought it was going to be. The only thing I would say against it is that it does try to be two different movies, pushed into 1 95 minute movie. It might have been better to be 2 90 minute movies. It is an interesting story about the origin of superheroes (actually gods on earth that we call superheroes) and what if they didn't want to be who they are. How far could they be pushed down (drinking and drugs) before they snapped?
  7. Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist- Not as good as Juno, but is enjoyable. A nice little story about 2 emo kids who meet and have given up on love, but use music to connect and have a fun-filled night in New York. Not going to change you world, but is entertaining.
  8. 7 Pounds- Not nearly as bad as the critics and reviews say it is. Many people say they didn't like it because they "figured it out" in the first 30 minutes. Truth is that this is not a mystery movie, so it doesn't matter if you figure it out. In fact the first scene in the movie is also the last. The only against is, is that the last 20 minutes are kind of stupid how it ends. Well acted by Will Smith who is in every shot of the movie.
  9. Doubt- Good and disturbing. Very well acted by Merryl Streep and Phillip Seymour Hoffman.
  10. Cloverfield- I know some people didn't like it because it wasn't a true monster movie. Exactly, it's not a monster movie. It's a movie about two people who are in love and should be together but are too afraid to do anything about it, and there just happens to be a monster attacking the city.

Movies I haven't seen which are probably good:
Forgetting Sarah marshall, Gran Torino, Man on Wire, Revolutionary Road, and Slumdog Millionaire

Tomorrow: Music

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Can't we all just get along?

It's been a while since someone new has joined my dead to me list...... but, congratulations are in order to 20th Century Fox. (Summer Road Construction lucked out because it is winter, and are now off the list) They are fighting against the release of the movie Watchmen. Now this movie is the only real thing I have left to live for. The trailer is below and it looks sweet. About 2 months ago I taught myself how to read and went out and read the graphic novel, and that was sweet as well. If the movie doesn't totally drop the ball, I think it was be as cool, or cooler than Sin City or 300, both created in the same feign.

The reason that Fox is suing Warner Brothers is stupid. Fox bought the rights to the movie in 1980, and sat on it for over 25 years. Even while Warner Brothers was making the movie, they said nothing about it. Now that it is done and it looks crazy good, they are saying that they still have the only rights to the movie and Warner Brothers has no right to release it. I know I am not "lawyer-smart" but this seems ridiculous. That's like seeing a girl in junior high but never asking her out and then 20 years later she gets married so you go to her new family and take her away from her husband and kids in the middle of the night because you "saw her first."

It seems like the movie will probably still come out, but it may be delayed beyond the original March date, and it may end up costing Warner Brothers millions of dollars. It seems asine that Fox will get a percentage of the movie profits becuase they bought the rights to a story 28 years ago but never did anything with it. Now that someone else did all the work, they want to get all the rewards. That's like a dead-beat-dad knocking up some chick who raises the kid who becomes a star athlete, and then the dad comes back and wants to reunite with the kid and get money from him.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Draft Time

Now that fantasy football is over (I won the superbowl) I am going to start various mock fantasy boards. The great thing about a fantasy draft is that you can have a draft over anything that people argue about the order of. You can also adjust your draft order based on what other people would draft. If you have a sleeper pick, you can gamble and put it lower on your list assuming no one else would draft it.

Today's fantasy draft: Hot Actresses, they must be actresses not models or just random hot chicks. Here's my top 15 draft picks

1. Scarlet Johanson - hot and willing to do it, enough said
2. Jessica Alba- still crazy hot after popping out a child, could kick my ass too, which is hot
3. Natalie Portman- hot, smart, and a nerd who stars in good movies and was in Star Wars. Enough said. Only downside is she usually dates the most emo-ass guys you can imagine.
4. Rosario Dawson- she may be a sleeper pick because not many might think of her, but she is hot and has a weird vibe about her, which increases her value.
5. Keira Knightley- She is hot, maybe too skinny, and she does all those artsy "time-piece" movies.
6. Jessica Biel- she is hot and a great pick, but I lowered her on my list because I think all people will rank her too high and draft her too early, so I will let her go.
7. Mandy Moore- my first true sleeper pick. You might think I am nuts, but she really is hot in those pictures, if she is not hot in real life. Plus she digs emo guys, not crazy emo guys like Natalie Portman, just everyday type emo guys.
8. Rachel McAdams- She is hot, never shows too much in movies to keep you guessing. Plus she is going out/married to my man-crush Ryan Gosling.
9. Kate Beckinsale- is hot, has a cool British accent, and could also probably kick my ass.
10. Olivia Wilde- if you don't like this pick, screw you. She is hot and plays a bi-sexual on House.
The rest of late round picks and waiver-wire pick-ups (in no particular order)
  • Megan Fox- is crazy hot, but is also crazy so I dropped her a bit. She has all kinds of bizarre tatoos in weird places and goes out with Brian Austin Green from 90210.
  • Mila Kunis- was always kind of hot on that 70s Show, but became really hot recently, but is dating Macaully Culkin.
  • Eliza Dushku- a total sleeper pick and a waiver wire pickup, she is attractive but makes total s**t movies.
  • Summer Glau- the chick from that Terminator tv show. I don't know anything about her, and have never seen the show, but in the previews she looks hot, and looks like she could kick my ass.
  • Sarah Chalke- another sleeper pick most people would not think of, but she has been on Scrubs for 8 years now and has had various looks and started off kind of hot, but has matured into a hot chick. I have the feeling she is nuts in real life though.
  • Rachel Bilson- I am not sure what she is originally famous for, I think she was on the O.C., but she has been in a few movies since and is hot, and looks like she is 16.
  • Kristen Bell- another hot chick but dates that douche bag Dax Shephard from the "show" Punked.

I know there are many that I left off the list, some on purpose and some on accident. I think my above team would be a solid squad. Just for sport, here is Maxim's list of top 100 females. Note that Maxim is written by and for idiots, and they include any female, not just actresses.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Anger lowering.........

So what's the deal with Mother Nature now? It gave us a free day, weather-wise, on Christmas day. Actually, that day it didn't matter what the weather is, most people stay in their homes all with their "loved ones."

Now today it's 40 degrees, and we might get rain. This sounds great except, now that puts us in a flash flood warning. Super. With the water falling from the sky and the 13 inches of snow on the ground we could have flooding in houses and in the streets. Just when we think it couldn't get worse. I am actually glad it is warming up and the snow is melting, there is just no where to put it anymore, and you can't see anything when driving, and there is no where to park when you go somewhere.

I actually check the weather forecast and the next 7 days don't look "too bad." In the 20s, no snow (so far),with maybe a little snow next weekend. Let's hope that Mother Nature got all of her wrath out in December (which was the 2nd snowiest December ever in Wisconsin), and gives us a "break" in January.

Also, if I see one more sign making a pun out of winter or snow, I am going to snap. I just drove past a library (obviously didn't go in) and the sign said "Snow Better Time to Read." Oh, I get it, that's hilarious. There is so much snow outside, and in fact some people have died because of it, that you might as well stay inside and read. Hilarious..............Not.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Busy Days

So CHopper here has had an interesting few days.
  • Friday night, went to wedding to once again see that love is not real. We got 11 inches of snow that day and I couldn't even drive on my street. I had to park at a hotel that I wasn't staying at and get a cab home at night, and then a cab to my car in the morning.
  • On Saturday night I decided to stay out of town at my parents because they have a garage and my street was still s**t.
  • Come Sunday Morning the windchill was minus 25 degrees! My car wouldn't start. We tried everything. We jumped it, tried cranking the engine, tried warming it up with space heaters. NOthing would work. I decided to wait til Tuesday when it was suppossed to warm up to a balmy 24 degrees.
  • On SUnday night I officially won my Fantasy Football league somehow by 6 points. I'm waiting for the comissioner to put in his codes so he wins............
  • I spent the day Sunday and Monday at my parents because my car wouldn't start. Oh-well. On Monday me and my dad were sitting around and the house began to get smoky. There was an electrical fire in the crawl space above the ceiling in his front office. The fire department came, no flame, but they had to rip a hole in the ceiling of the office. THe whole ceiling came down. Some stuff (computer, desk) will have to be replace, while some made it through (bookcase, chair). ALl in all it could have been worse. Someone is coming in on Monday to put the ceiling back together and what not, until then the room is condemned. (Literally the housing authoirty came and closed off the room). The funniest thing is that 2 local news came becuase the fire department came out and they must listen to the airwaves. They asked my dad for a statement, but he said it wasn't a story and it was ridiculous that they were covering this when there were major accidents and murders happening in Milwaukee.
  • Today (Tuesday) I went to start my car when it was "warmer" and it still wouldn't start, so I took it in. (I have free towing with my cell phone). Yada yada yada, it has something to do with coordided spark plugs and stuff. $500 later it should be fixed in about 3 hours. (I'm at the dealership now).
  • So I am going to be off the airwaves until Friday, I will have no access to the Internets over the holidays do to the computer room being "condemned." (I'll make up with it over the next week.)
  • Happy Festivus.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

What to do.................

Just wanted all my loyal readers to know that I am on Winter Vacation until January 5th! Suck it b**ches!. There will be plenty of things to rant about on here, stay tuned.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Seriously people......

So for one last time I am going to warn Mother Nature. Last night we got 3-4 inches. I am not going to be one of those a-holes that says "Oh, we only got 304 inches of snow." No, that is still enough.

So far this year to date we have gotten more than last year at this point. And the end of December and all of January was the worst winter I have ever experienced in my life. This trend had better stop soon.

The worst part is that on Thursday night we could get anywhere from 1 inch to 12 inches. "They" are not sure if winds are going to blow a certain way or not and how that will affect everything. With technology the way it is, I find it hard to believe that they don't know within 11 inches, how much we are going to get. I am pleading for very little. I have a wedding to attend on Friday (always the bridesmaid, never the bride) and I have to travel all over the city on Thursday night and Friday during the day.

I was disgusted at today paper that had this headline.
It appears Tuesday's snow was an appetizer for a several-course snowflake meal that forecasters predict will be served through Christmas.
Oh, I get it, they are making a joke out of getting a@@-loads of snow. Ha,ha, I get. The snow makes life miserable for everyone, and actually kills some people in car accidents, some people lose heat, etc. Hilarious joke Journal Sentinel.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Whats the world coming to?

By this time I am sure all my loyal readers have seen both of these stories, but they really make you wonder what the world is coming to.

I think Austin Powers put it best:

Really, who throws a shoe? (It is pretty funny though) Since national security usually takes things to the extreme, I won't be surprised if soon enough, Secret Service makes everyone remove their shoes at Presidential Press Conferences.

You may have also heard about some 9 year old kid who wrote a book about picking up chicks. Seriously? That's either the stupidest thing and biggest waste of paper I have ever heard of, or the book is actually good and in that case maybe I should read it. Everything I learned about picking up chicks I learned from Lloyd Christmas and George Costanza:

Monday, December 8, 2008

White People are funny........

I don't watch SNL anymore, and haven't seen an episode in probably 10 years. However I have been seeing more and more skits on the Internets featuring a Andy Samberg and he appears to be genuinely funny. (Too bad his movies aren't funny; so far he has been in Hot Rod and Space Chimps. He does have a hilarious 30 second cameo in Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist.)

Here is a clip that aired this week.

Yes, I guess you can say that on network TV.

Here are some of his classics:

Editor's note: Yes, he obviously does drugs.

Are you kidding me?

I just read this story moments ago on ESPN. It seems that the Broncos have lost their starting running back for the year. This thing happens all time, except this was their 5th starting running back. They already have 4 out for the year, and one who hasn't played in months, and may miss the year. What are the odds of this ever happening? The Broncos used to historically just pound the ball, regardless of their running back. Shanahan has been noted as saying he doesn't care who the running back is, everyone is expendable. Now their started is going to be someone who was on the practice squad, and someone who was selling cell phones at the mall a month ago.

What's that? Read that article again, especially the last paragraph. Tatum bell was selling cell phones! I read his wikipedia page. He was drafter 41st in the draft, led all AFC rookies in running in 2004, and was accused of stealing Rudi Johnson's luggage when the Lions signed Johnson and realeased Bell. How does a guy like this end up selling luggage. I am sure in 2004 when he was drafter he signed a contract worth over $500,000 a year. I know this economy sucks but after being in the league full time for 4 years and then being cut you have to work a minimum wage job selling cell phones. Sad.
Here is another interesting blog looking at the same phenomenom.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Random Rantings

Another Sunday down, another round of rants.........
  • The Packers suck, and they shouldn't have to. Horrible play calling, an emo-hipster QB, and no leadership are to blame. Every time they threw the ball deep, the Packers WRs beat the cornerbacks, it wsn't always a good throw, but they were open. Yet the Packers only threw the ball deep 5 times. They still try that running s**t way too oftern. They should dink and dunk and do screen plays way more often. Also, their rushing defense is awful. See you next season.
  • Pittsburgh defense is the best I have seen in years. It is a wonder that anyone has scored on them this season. If their offense comes around, look out. Also, I am not sure why their offense is so bland. They have a great QB, 2-3 good WRs, and 2 good running backs, yet struggle to score any points. Something is a miss. (Update: Dallas just got a TD)
  • During the whole pre-game they kept saying that this was Detroit's best chance of a win (they lost). I am not sure why this week was their best chance. They were playing the division leading Vikings, who have a great rush offense and the Lions have the worst rush defense. If anything the Lions best chance is at Green Bay in the last week because the Packers suck and have nothing to play for.
  • I went to Sam's Club, and that's enough to get someone angry. Why do they have that person at the door who checks your receipt and sees what you bought? If you went through the line, you purchased everything, what is this person checking for? When I went today, I waited longer at the door to get my receipt checked, than I did in the actual line. The person in front of me had a full cart, and the lady checked every item in the cart to the receipt.
  • The TV is telling me we could get 6-12 inches of snow throughout the day on Tuesday. You've been warned Mother Nature.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Now that's good television

So I've always been a fan of the TV show House (truth be told I didn't start watching until Season 2). Other bloggers have discussed the show recently as well. I have never been able to get to the root of why it is such a compelling show. After all it is formulaic. You know that the first diagnosis will be wrong, and they will figure out what is wrong with about 5-10 minutes left, and it is never Lupus. The show is great not because of the case they are working on, but what is happening to them and around them because of the case. But now that it is on everyday at 9, I think I have gotten to the bottom of it.

It is not a show about medical mysteries at all, it is really a show about people and their imperfections. I also think it has some of the best dialogue in any show. House is a very imperfect person, he is just unbelievably good at one thing, diagnosing odd diseases. Otherwise he is a imperfect person who fails from obsessions (to drugs and perfection), he can't mutual love another person, and can't open up to someone else without sarcasm.

Last night's episode focuses on Foreman (Omar Epps) and his inner struggles. He wanted to prove something to House so he ran with his own diagnosis instead of taking anyone's opinion. The lady is from the inner-city and a drug dealer who calls out Foreman for selling out and becoming a cheap reflection of the man his mother raised. He writes her off as a drug addict. It turns out he is wrong, and now the lady has less than 24 hours to live. He decides to tell her and she curses him and all of this, but during it he just stands there crying and taking it all in. He then leaves, punches a wall, and walks back in and holds her hand. She asks why he isn't leaving, he says he is staying until the end. Which he does. He then goes to House for a "shoulder to cry on." House doesn't offer it. He says sometimes being wrong in this industry means killing someone, and that's a price doctors half as good as them don't have to pay, but "we do." House then walks out and talks to his best friend Wilson, and explains why he didn't help Foreman or help him cope. Foreman then goes home to his mother who doesn't even recognize him because of her Alzheimer.

It also kicks a@@ because Hugh Laurie talks as an American for 60 minutes, but in real life he has a crazy heavy british accent.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

So far, so.............okay

So far this winter (oh wait, it's still technically Fall), Mother Nature hasn't been too bad on us. Yes, it has snowed twice in 3 days, but both times it wasn't as bad as predicted. On Sunday night and Monday morning we were originally predicted to get 8-10 inches, and ended up without about 2 (kind of like EdGrimley's wedding night). Then today we were supposed to get up to 4, and so far have only gotten about 2 inches (knock on wood).

I guess it has something to do with lake effect, Canadaien air, gulf streams, yada yada yada. I don't get science, what has it ever done for me.

P.S. My arm has been really hurting me this week, I am going to the hospital, I really hope medical science can help me.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Football Rants

I'm not going to post about the Packers, except to say that their season is OVER, and they will be worse last year because of the moves Ted Thompson will make (trade Driver and Harris). That is all. (Also, Brian Gant who? Who needs him, Brandon Jackson looked even better today.)

I am now watching the Jets-Broncos game in the background while I sharpen my knifes, and there is a player on the Broncos with the first name Ebenezer. What? Why would you name your child that? Here is the wikipedia page about Ebenezer, and here is the first picture that comes up with a google search.

Are you packin?

I'm sure by now we have all heard about Plaxico Burress and him shooting himself in the leg after bringing a gun to the club. Well, now it is getting more complex. Apparently he didn't want to go to the hospital because they have to notify the police, and he does not have the permit for the gun (big shocker).

What's the deal with having to carry a weapon into the club anyways. Earlier this year two Marquette University girls were arrested for stabbing someone outside a club. I don't get it? What ever happened to the old fashioned way of getting back at someone by slowly seeking revenge on them buying destroying them piece by piece over the years?

Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving Lessons

Hope every one had a great Thanksgiving. I learned a great life lesson yesterday:
"No matter how fast you run and how hard you fight, yo always end up on someone's dinner table with a pound of stuffing up you a**. " Really makes you think.

Also, we were driving back home from up north last night. Driving through the town of Sheboygen, we drove right past their Best Buy. There were probably 20 people camping outside Best Buy there in tents and sleeping bags (some had neither). WTF? It's 7:00 PM, and it doesn't open until 5 am? I know they are having some sales tomorrow, but seriously. Is it really that important to get Season 6 of Friends for $12.99? Anything short of giving a free flat-screen plasma HD TV to the first 50 customers, there is no way I would wait outside in the winter in Wisconsin for some crappy sales. Get a job people and actually earn money.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Random Rantings

So I had today off, and it has been awhile since I have experience the world on a random weekday:

  • A bunch of us who work together went out last night for a few drinks, and man can you really see the other side of some coworkers after a few drinks. Why in the world would you decide to get shitty drunk in front of people you work with everyday? It's okay to control yourself in public with coworkers and then go home and polish off that bottle of Jameson alone in your basement, like some of us do. Also, why would you want to do karaoke in front of these same people, and find it weird that some people refuse to karaoke.
  • Once your body is used to get up early on a Wednesday, there is no way to sleep late, even when you have nothing to do that.
  • This morning I watched Tropic Thunder, hilarious movie. After watching that movie, this clip, and listening to this audio clip (some jag-off asking him bizarre and offensive questions at a press conference), I would have to say Robert Downey Jr. is the coolest guy in Hollywood.

  • I was out and about running some errands, so I decided to stop at Taco Bell for lunch. These 2 chick in front of me ordered a bunch of stuff with extra meat, extra sour cream, and what not, and they both drank water. Their total was $22.50. At Taco BEll. How? My total was $4.74, and I was stuffed when I was done.
  • I went on the freeway at 1:15, and there was already rush hour traffic then. Does anyone ever work a full day anymore?
  • I stopped off at Barnes and Noble to see if about getting a book, since I now know how to read. There was a huge sign when you walked in saying "December 6th, 25% off sale on everything." It was some promotion to thank their customers and what not. So I turned around and figured I would come back next Saturday.
  • Taking a nap at 3:30 is awesome.
  • It's going to be a long winter now that It's Alway's Sunny In Philedelphia's season is over.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

You call this a team?

So, since there was no Packer game today, I was flipping between the Bears-Rams game and Jets-Titans. Obviously the Jets-Titans is going to be more interesting, but I have too much of my fantasy team (and season) relying on the Jets-Titans game. (I am not doing well in that game. Dear Tennessee, run the ball.) I was on the Rams-BEars game right when it was going into halftime. The Rams are down 24-3 and the Rams fans begin to boo at halftime. What? What did you think was going to happen? Your Rams are horrible. If not for the Lions, you would have the worst team in football. It got me to thinking, what would actually make you want to go to a St. Louis Rams' football game?
I know St. Louis is the most dangerous city in America, but there has to be something better to do. I lived down there for 5 years, and I can rattle off hundreds of things I would rather do than go to a Rams game. (Two of which are give myself a root canal and volunteer to clean the top of the arch.)

PS: Why did we trade Favre again? Man, he is looking good today against the stellar defense of Tennessee.

PPS: Jay Glazer is officially dead to me. I have Ward (RB from Giants) and COllins (QB from Tennessee) on my fantasy team. I couldn''t decide who to start. said that Jacobs would probably not start, and Ward would start. So I decided to start Ward. Then on FOX Jay Glazer said Jacobs would start, and in fact felt healthier than he had in weeks. So I sit Ward and start Collins. Then at half time, there is a breaking story that Jacobs won't start, in fact he won't play. Ward will start and get 90% of the snaps. What? How does Jacobs go from being healthier than he has in weeks, to no playing. At this point I am pretty sure Jay Glazer is just making this s**t up.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Quick Rant

I just stopped at my local watering hole for a bite to eat and a few (3) beers. These two "guys" next to me were having a 15 minute conversation about seat warmers in their cars. They were talking about how long they take to get warm, and how hot they can get, and how they can't live without them in winter. Seriously? Are your lives that boring and pathetic that you have to sit around and discuss this? My advice, kill yourselves, you are sad.

That is all, I told you it would be quick. (That's what she said.)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sex, Drugs, Rock 'n Roll, and Advertising

Recently NPR came out with this report linking teenagers who watch certain TV shows and being more likely to have sex and become pregnant. "experts" have been lining tv show content to behaviors in people for years. I don't think a certain show links to teenage pregnancy. Three of the shows on the list; That 70s Show, Sex and the City, and Friends, do not feature direct teenage sex and except two characters on Friends, none of the shows feature pregnancy. Of the three, only really That 70s Show have I ever watched. It is about teenagers in the 70s doing drugs and annoying their parents, nothing else.

Then I saw this commercial:

Now I could see how this commercial could increase teenage pregnancy. Every guy that watches that wants to be that guy, and every girl wants to be that girl. Look how cool they are, and they are lying and then telling the truth, how hipster of them. Also, this is not the only new Levi's commercial that hints at teenage or unmarried sex. Others here,and here

Monday, November 17, 2008

Watch the roads people

So I was driving home today and I drove past 7 accidents, 7! Keep in mind it was barely snowing, I would not even call it flurries. But since it was the first time this year we had any snow, people panicked. I even witnessed a lady break at a stop sign, lose control, or go up on the curb nearly hitting the stop sign.

People, drive a little slower, stop talking on the phone, and just get home and lock your doors. It's only snow. If this is any sign of things to come, it will probably be an even more frustrating winter than last year. Oh joy! Mother Nature, you are already on notice!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sports Time

This weekend I got to go the Bucks game (not my choice) and the Packers game (my choice). Here are my rants.
  • The Bucks game was suppossed to start at 7:30 and at 7:30 the crowd started cheering and hollering, but I saw nothing happening on the court. Oh, wait the NBA is still dead to me.
  • The Bradley Center is the edgrimley of NBA stadiums, an absolute dump. The season is a week and a half old, it was a Saturday night, the Bucks were playing the defending champion Boston Celtics, and yet they place was about 3/4 full. I bet the team is in Las Vegas or Seattle in 6 years.
  • I got the tickets through work for free, and they were usually $37, and were in the 9 row of section 419, seen here. My god is the NBA expensive. They were not good seats, yet more expensive than a baseball game. I would hate to have a family and try to take them to a game, I am glad my ex-wife does that kind of stuff.
  • PArking in downtown Milwaukee, 3 blocks away was $20. I guess all those years going to Miller Park you get spoiled.
  • At the parking complex I used instead of having someone at the gate take your money when you go in or come out (which would make more sense), here is their operation. When I parked they had a lady at the entrance press the button and give me the ticket and wait for the gate to open. She then told me to take the ticket to entrance C and pay for parking and get a new ticket that said I paid. I went there and there were two machines in which you put you original ticket and the money and you get a new ticket. In here they had two employees supervising while everyone pushed buttons, not rocket science. After the game they had employees at each exit taking your paid ticket and pressing a button so the gate opened up. What? Wouldn't it just be easier to have someone at the entrance or exit collecting money?
  • Today at Lambeau Field was a much different expereince. Lambeau Field is the Clint Eastwood of professional fotball stadiums, old but still cool and better than most.
  • There is nothing like going to a Packer game, even if I had to get up at 5:30 and hit the road by six, and stand around outside from 9 am until 4 Pm. Great time.
  • It was absolutely freezing outside. I was wearing 3 socks, long underwear, pants, a shirt, a sweater, a sweatshirt, a winterjacket, gloves, a hat, and a hood. The coldest part on my body was my feet, with my face a close second.
  • Bears fans talk a lot of s**t until they are down 10-3 and quickly down by 21 points.
  • We tailgated for a bit, which is bad-a** in freezing cold. This group next to us were tailgating our of a old ambulance, no joke. They had the inside gutted with benches, hand warmers, and then took out 2 larger grilles and grilled up some steaks; before and after the game.
  • We parked a half block away at a K*Mart, and it was only $20, which I think is pretty good for an NFL game. K*Mart block off the whole lot for tailgaters, and they probably making a killing on it, despite not having any real customers.
  • We must have been asked by 15 different people for money for various reasons; veterans of foreign wars, boy scouts, different churches, help fight aids, The United Way. After a while I just ran out of singles.
  • For the first game this year, the Packers looked good on all sides of the ball. Their pass defense still looks good, their rush defense looked good for a change, their passing game is steady, and for a change their rushing offense looked good. At only 5-5 I still am not sold on them winning their division (they still have New Orleans, Carolina, Bears, and Jacksonville), it's jsut too little too late.
  • Once I dethaw, I may have more rants

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Wednesday Rants

I had a normal day at work but encountered a few things that got my blood flowing in the 3 hours since.
  • I drove home on the freeway in Rush Hour (which I usually don't) and a guy in the next lane was texting while driving in traffice. Also, I let in 6 different cars into my lane because they were in the wrong lane, and not one raised their hand to thank me.
  • I went out to eat dinner with my parents, just because, and was easy dropping on an interesting converstation between two women at the next table. First they talked for 15 minutes about how they had driven past each other in their gated community culdesac in surban America, and they thought it was hilarious. They must lively increadibly boring lives as soccer moms if they conversation lasted 15 minutes. Then one of them made this comment when talking about finding a job, "I want to find something where I can volunteer, but get paid for it." What? Someone needs a dictionary.
  • In case you thought people couldn't get any stupidie, I read a number of articles( 1, 2, 3, 4 5) tonight about a new theoru called the "Huxtable Effect." Basically it says that without the Cosby show people would not have voted for Obama. The Cosby show showed white America that a black family is not a scary thought, they are just like "us." I've watched The Simpsons for years, that doesn't mean I would vote for a 300 pound idiot with yellow skin and 4 fingers.
  • Here's an example of what America's youth is pawning off as work nowadays in school.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

What gas crisis?

I went to get gas today, and it was $2.17 a gallon. That is the lowest that it has been in years. It's so cheap that I lined by trunk with garbage bags and filled it with gas. Now I am taking the gas from my trunk into my bath tub by using a an empty milk carton. As soon as I am done I am going to bathe in the gasoline. I love freedom!

Football Rants

After watching football today, a few observations:
  • The Packers are better than their record, or at least they should be. Their defense is good, real good, except against the run. They can't tackle to save their mother's life. Their secondary is possible the best in the league, and they can go 6-7 players deep out there. You can blame today's loss on one person, Mike McCarthey (excluding my wife). He made some horrible calls at the end of the half and at the end of the game. It is never a good idea to "settle" for a field goal on the road when it will still be a 50 yard field goal. At the end of the game they should have been trying to score a TD instead of running out the clock. Horrible play calling throughout. Jennings and Driver only had 8 total catches. They are your 2 best players on offense and should be having a total of 15-20 catches a game, especially a close game. Should have won.
  • If Packers lose next week (which they will) their season is officially over.
  • The Rams and Lions are two of the worst teams I have seen in years. The Rams gave up 47 points, 40 in the first half, unbelievable. The Lions got killed by the Jags, and are 0-9. They just went out and got Culpepper to improve their offense, and what do they do with him this week, they throw the ball only 10 times, 10 times. That makes no sense. In a game that they were losing the whole game for, why would you only pass it 10 times? Especially when your best offensive player is a WR.
  • After the game when the analysts were talking the TV told me that the Raiders are highly likely to sign Michael Vick this off-season, once he is out of the clink. That would just be a match made in heaven I think. The Raiders are were careers go to die (Sapp, Moss, Walker, etc).

Friday, November 7, 2008

Still Dead to Me.....

Mother Nature has been Dead to Me for about 10 months now. The many reasons why are here. Then today I come out of work at 4 PM and it is doing some kind of precipitation, not quite snow, not quite rain. I didn't know what it was. I do know that it sucked. Just 2 days ago it was 75 degrees and sunny, now today it was 34-40 degrees and totally cloudy. Now on Saturday the weather is forecasting to snow. I swear if we have a winter even half as bad as last year...........

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Next Please,

So I am assuming everyone voted yesterday, otherwise you must hate freedom. I went to the polls at 6:30, hoping to get there early before they open vote right when they open and get to work. At 6:30 there was a line that would have probably been 1 1/2 hours to 2 hours long, so I said screw it. I got out of work as soon as I could and went right to the poll. This time there was literally 1 person there, and it was a more "prime time," it was 4:30. I think everyone rushed out and went right in the morning because they heard lines were going to be so long, and in fact they weren't. I received number 843 at 4:30, so I don't think they were that busy all day.

Also, did anyone watch CNN last night during their election coverage and saw that hologram shit they were using? Holy crap? I think technology is going to outpace us here any day. They were having an interactive conversation with someone who was half-way across the country but they looked like they were in the studio. I wonder when this will be available for civilian use. I could be at home, yet be at work. I could be in jail, yet be at my ex-wife's Thanksgiving dinner, the potential is unlimited.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

One More Election Rant

A few last election rants before the real deal on Tuesday:

  • Have you heard of The Bradley Effect. It is interesting, yet sad that it would occur based on race in this day and age.
  • I you missed this interview on the Daily Show with Bill Kristol (not Billy Crystal). It was great because there were two highly intelligent people discussing real topics, hilarious because Kristol still thinks McCain will win, and it was hilarious because Jon Stewart basically says Kristol is an idiot for still supporting McCain, yet Stewart and McCain still get along and are genuine to each other. It shows two people can disagree yet still get along.

  • I think this is still a cool commercial:

  • Starbucks is giving away a free cup of coffee on Tuesday for anyone who is voting. It's cool because they are not picking a side, just saying, "hey, go vote you lazy a-hole." Yes, Starbucks are run by Hippies and represent everything that is wrong in this world.

On Friday I was in an elevator and these two chicks were in it. One asked the other, "hey did you vote yet?" The other one said "I'm not going to to vote." "Why" asked the other one. "I'm proving a point." Wait? What? What point are you trying to make exactly? There are only a few reasons you wouldn't vote, and making a point that no one will see is not one of them.
  • You hate freedom
  • You have a criminal record
  • You are Canadian
  • You hate America
  • You are a terrorist
  • You are under 18

Stupid video, but Jonah Hill is hilarious. "I have 19 kids, I never used abortion once." "Darfur...that sounds like a t-shirt company to me." "I never did shit on drugs except play Halo II."Oh yeah, and Natalie Portman is hot.
(Update) I guess they have another video now:

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Random Rantings- Weekend Edition

I want out on a Friday, which I normally don't do, and today I can barely talk (these are unrelated) and here are my rantings:
  • I was watching Sports Center this morning and half of the Top Ten plays were blacked out. Were there that few highlights yesterday, that they didn't have 10 great plays? Weird. (Update: it appears that the NBA season has started, and they probably had a few plays in the top ten.....whatever)
  • I will say some people are quite creative with their Halloween costumes (and some are not). Last night I saw 5 people dressed and Pacman and 4 ghosts chasing them, quite good. Two dudes were dressed as Mario and Luigi, 2 dudes were dressed as Umpa-Lumpas from Willy Wonka, the band there were all dressed as famous musicians- Willy Nelson, Axl ROse, Buddy Holly, and Blues Brothers-. Then there were unoriginal costumes like the Joker (it's too obvious to dress like that, you should kill youself) and generic things like slutty nurse, slutty cop, slutty whatever.
  • My new least favorite question people ask me is "What kind of music do you listen to? How do I answer that "A little bit of everything?" Or do I dumb it down for them so they know the bands I am mentioning like "Oh U2, Justin Timberlake, yadayadayada...." Or do I tell them a real answer like "Tv on the Radio, The Hold Steady, and Band of Horses." and then the idiot who asked me looks at me like I am crazy and I just made up all those bands. I went with the latter answer last night and both people did look at me like I just made up those names.
  • Packers signed Aaron Rogers to a "Tony Rom0-like" contract. After 7 games, in which he won 4 games, and was hurt. Seems a bit premature. I don't want to hate on the guy but it is unprecident to see this happen, ever. I guarantee when this is all done in about 15 years it will come out that Ted Thompson is really Aaron Rogers' biological father, that is why he goes above and beyound for the QB.
  • Next season's Brewers' season will be laid out in the next 30 days. If they don't get CC, they are done next year. If they sign him for the reported 4 year 100 million, they are done because they will have no money for Hardy, Hart, Gallardo, Parra or anyone else. They need to get him for about $18 mil a year for 3 years, that way it expires the year they need to resign Hart, Gallardom and Parra, then all you have to worry about the year before is Hardy.
That is all (for now) I am going to lie down again for a bit. Angry-dreaming, here I come.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

It's getting closer than we think

Check this out:

I'm telling you Planet Of the Apes was not science fiction. They are one step closer to taking over the world. LEt's see their check list so far.

  • Have Hollywoode make a series of "Science Fiction" movies about their plan, so the humans think it would never happen. (Check)
  • Have Marky Mark make a remake, to have the next generation see the simplicity of the plan. (Check)
  • Have bears become godless killing machines and wreak havoc around the country, taking the humans' eyes off the real threat, apes. (Check)
  • Have adorable squirrels begin doing reconasaince around the country. (Check)
  • Have monkeys start becoming waiters and take away human jobs. (Chceck)
  • Have moneky waiters start infilitrating humans' food supply. (????)
  • With humans poisoned, General Thade takes off his the Former President George W. Bush mask and shows the world who has really been running the country. (any day now)
  • With General Thade at the front of a massive ape army and the humans demobilized because of the monkey waiter poisonings and Americas crippled economy, the apes take over the world.

Not such an entertaining little science fiction movie now is it?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Thursday Break

It's Thursday, it's cold, it's time for some videos:

Republicans are funny.

White kids are funny.

This is sweet because they are an awesome band, they're playing outside, and they're playing on the fire escape behind the Hello Deli.

Back to work.

Let's not go America on your a**

Looks like rival blogger EdGrimley really does hate freedom.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Ebony vs Ivory

So I was watching the TV again after work and saw a preview on Comedy Central for some new sketch comedy show called "Chocolate News." Its hosted and starring David Alan Grier. Not really the most cutting edge stuff. The guy is 53 years old and I bet most people forgot he was famous for being on In Living Color.

However this is not a rant about the show (it should be pretty self-explanatory about why this show will suck). This is a rant about the commercial for the show that had some quotes from newspaper reviews. One was from the New York Post: "Funniest thing since Chappele." Why do they have to compare it to the only other black comedian sketch comedy show that has come out. WHy not compare it to Carlos Mencia or any comedy show. "Funniest show since Friends" (the whitest show I can think of).

What's funny about this is that I didn't even realize he was black until I looked it up. Look at some of the movies he has appeared in: Stuart Little, The Bonnie Hunt Show, Return to Me, Angels in the Infield, Rocky and Bullwinkle, Bewitched, these are some of the whitest movies ever. To quote Chappele "he makes Bryant Gumbel look like Malcom X."

As a side note I saw this Holiday Inn commercial that is funny:

It's funny because white people are different from black people.

Animal Parts for sale

This morning I turned on the news for background noise while I got ready for work (trying to block out all the screaming). I over heard an odd story that said that Ebay was going to ban the sale of ivory starting January of 2009. Wait hold on? So it is currently legal to sell ivory on Ebay? Isn't it pretty much illegal to sell ivory anywhere?

This article gets into more details. According to the article over a six week period there were 7,000 posts offering body parts of endangered wild life (apparently panda ears are popular). This just seems to be bizarre to me. Who goes on the Internet looking to score something from a wild animal?

Also interesting about the story is that this won't take effect until January of 2009. Why the wait? Is there that much traffic in this currently that banning it now would affect their profits? Sadly probably yes.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Leave Me Alone

In case you missed this, Ringo Starr has posted on his website/ blog that he is no longer accepting any fan mail or requests for autographs. I can understand wanting your piece and quite (I get 300-400 letters of fan mail* a week). But this guy would be nothing without his fans. The Beatles were the biggest thing ever in America at the time. They made a mark on society and music. The fact remains that many experts did not think they were that great originally, and bet that they would not make it. But, becuase of their fans, they rose up and became the biggest phenomena ever. Since the Beatles, there is no reason Ringo should be anything, but his fans have stayed loyal, and helped him afford the lifestyle he lives. He will also be missing opportunities like Giambi above and here, here, or here.

So going along with Ringo I am making the following demands to my fans:
  • I will no longer come over for late night parties with rooms full of women
  • I will no longer answer any fan mail, e-mails, voice mails, smoke signals, or bat signals.
  • I will no longer stand outside of your windom on Thanksgiving night while your family eats dinner.
  • I will no longer call your house late at night and breathe heavily into the phone
  • I will no longer stand outside of your window late at night in the rain blasting Peter Gabriel out of my stereo.
*By fan mail I mean letters demanding money and death threats.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

City Rankings

Sports Illustrated recently came out with their rankings of top football stadiums in the country based on these criteria: affordability and food, tailgating, team quality, atmosphere, and accessibility. It is nice to note that Green Bay finished in first, but hear are a few of my rants:
  • Green Bay finished 2nd in tailgating behind Buffalo, that's just odd to me.
  • Green Bay finished 4th in accessibility. Seeing that season tickets are sold out for the next 237 years, I would say that it is very inaccessible.
  • Seattle finished 4th in Team Quality. Have you seen them play this year?
  • It is nice to see the 3 other NFC North teams, Minnesota, Chicago, and Detroit finishing in the bottom half, with Minnesota and Detroit the 3rd and 2nd worst respectively.
  • It is also nice to see St. Louis as the lowest ranked. I lived in the "Nation's Most Dangerous City" for five years. It is a hell hole. Their team is terrible. It is impossible to get to it downtown, and football should not be played indoors.
  • As a side note it is nice to see the great state of Wisconsin finished 1st for NFL stadiums and 2nd for MLB stadiums.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I'm alive bi**hes!!

I have written in the past of how TV shows kill of their characters when their writers can't think of anything else to write. They have these crazy plot twists when "one of your favorite characters will die!" Like it is supposed to make a show more exciting when a character is killed off. It has always been my theory that this makes a show less interesting. The best shows throughout time have had the same cast every year it is on, and the shows that kill of characters take away reasons to watch the show.

Now I think the bubble on those theories has finally burst. There are a number of shows that I watch that either last year or this year have brought back a character killed off or written off the show:
  • On 24, 2 seasons ago the 2nd best character Tony Almeida was shown killed by the bad guy, and now this year he is miraculously coming back as a main character. Last season, without his character, was the shows worst season, so they realized that they need him and are somehow going to bring him back.
  • On Lost, one of the main characters speaks with the dead so last season they were able to bring back the numerous characters they killed off, and I heard even more are coming back this year, and more often.
  • On The Office, one of the main characters was arrested for fraud in the company, and then in this year's season premiere he just showed up. The explanation was that the charges were minimized to community service, he was fired, and then somehow was rehired as a temp at his original location.
  • On Heroes in the season finale for Season 1 and Season 2 the same main character was killed only to come back in the next season premiere. The first time one of the heroes with the ability to heal came in and helped, but this season the character was actually declared dead at the hospital and taken to the morgue, and during the night he miraculously awoke, all being chalked up to "a miracle." This same character this season also talks to a character previously killed off as well. Also last year on the show they killed off a character, then this year she has come back as the original character's long lost twin.
This is only for the shows that I actually watch, I can only imagine how bad some of the other shows have come. Take it from me, just write interesting story lines, and you don't need to kill off characters only to bring them back.

Also, I thought this was funny. (As a fellow Nic Cage hater).

See more funny videos at Funny or Die

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Dumb It Down

Army of One Parody
I have noticed recently that people tend to dumb things down thinking that the person that they are talking to is a complete idiot, when in fact they are the one who is an idiot.

Take these two situations I have been in this week:
  • We had a meeting after work on Wednesday in which we were being trained on this new program on the computer that allows us to log in and see a calendar of events, psot messages, respond to messages, instant message other employees, etc. BAsically an online community. The pace they were going at was ridiculous. It took them 15 minutes to show us how to open the Internet, go to the website and log in. I was so bored with it, I took some stuff out and started correcting papers. One of the people walking around helping those who needed help, came up to me and ask if this was too fast for me and that's why I was not paying attention. "No, you are going at a pace that a dim-witted monkey could understand, please leave me alone."
  • My dad is having difficulties with his computer so I told him I would come over and call Dell tech support. I got on the phone with 'Sean" (some Indian dude I could barely understand) who took 5 minutes asking me to make sure the computer is plugged in. He said, often times, it might not be plugged in. Other ideas he had were: maybe the monitor is turned off, maybe it is on and working but in sleep mode, have you tried resetting it, and other stupid ideas. It took 40 minutes before he came to the conclusion that maybe something is wrong and we could take it in for servicing.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

It's over.......

It's over the Brewers are eliminated from the Playoffs. One word Jeff-Suppan. Why the f**k didn't Yost start Gillardo, I mean Svuem. The guy was able to pitch, in fact he pitched 3 scoreless innings, and then went with Parra. Either of those could have started, but no they went with the horrible Suppan who hasn't done s**t in years. Great move.

Oh well, it was a hell of a ride. They made the playoffs for the first time in 26 years, lasted one game longer than the Cubs. Win.

Here is what they need to do this offseason (in order)
  • Re-sign CC, no matter what. That guy could win 25 games on his own. Then you have Gallardo, Parra, Bush backing him up. That ain't bad.
  • Get a real, experiened manager that has been involved with a winner. Not one of these backup gritty veterans that are in over their head.
  • Bring Gamel up to play 3rd.
  • Resign Durham, get rid of Weeks.
  • Take offers for Fielder, hopefully to get pitching or a power right fielder.
  • Either bring up Gwynn to play center, or move Hart to center and get a power right fielder.
  • Don't re-sign Cameron (he is good, but not $10 million good).
  • Show Gagne, Mota, and Sheets the door.
  • Get a real closer and use Torres as a set-up guy.

Friday, October 3, 2008

What's that? I can't hear you?

So all week at work they have been doing construction on the roof of the building a floor lower than the floor I am on, and I have had construction workers literally inches away from my window. Imagine a drill, hammers, tar, and a flame thrower (yes a flame thrower) constantly on right outside your window. I have had the pleasure of having decibals ringing in my ears all week and the smell of fresh tar coming right into our room. (Wait why are the construction workers wearing masks over their noses? Uh-oh)

It is just ridiculous, it's not like I have to talk or be able to hear at my job. Oh, wait that is all I do.

I can't figure out why they didn't do this over the 3 months this summer when there was no one in the building, that would make too much sense.

The workers are also loud, I can hear them swearing at each other and playing their radio, no consideration of what is going on inches from them on the other side of a window.

They start early too. I got here at 7:20 today and they were out there hollering at each working their drills and flame throwers.... a nice relaxing morning.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sports Rantings

This was a big weekend here in Wisconsin for our beloved sports franchises. Here are my rants:
  • Yes! It's raining, the drought is over. The Brewers made the playoffs for the first time in 26 years. Most of their players were not even alive then. Bring on Philly.
  • I say on the first day of Free Agency the Brewers have to offer CC $20 million a year for 4-6 years. No bullsh**ing, just do it. He is definitely worth it, he literally carried the Brewers into the playoffs when their offense looked like s**t.
  • The Badgers embarrassed the entire state with their pathetic second half performance and loss against a terrible Michigan team. Next week they play Ohio State. If they lose they could be out of the Top 25 for the first time in many years.
  • The Packers looked awful this week. Why are they not throwing it to Driver and Jennings on every play. Those are the only two worth anything on that offense. Every time they throw to them something good happens, keep doing it. Aaron Rogers threw 5 interceptions (even only 3 counted). Ryan Grant looks like a joke of a running back, yet the Packers keep running the ball, even on 3rd and long.
  • Do we start taking death threats for Ted Thompson yet? Favre looked great for the Jets throwing 6 TDs, yes 6. Imagine if he still had talent around him like in Green Bay. Why Thompson, why? I hope you and Aaron Rogers have a nice life together.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

That ain't normal

I'm sitting here flipping between the Brewers (I'm giving them one more loss) and this David Blaine Special on ABC. My god, is that guy weird, yet what he does in unbelievable.

The last trick he did was he went to a crown of people and asked them for a number 1-55 and got 4 different numbers then he had 2 of them call someone and ask for a number. He then had 6 numbers and he went to his wallet and pulled out a single lottery ticket and it had the same numbers that were said in the random group. WTF?

The next trick he did was had someone take a picture of themselves on their cell phone and then he took their phone and slammed it against a $1 bill, and then their picture appeared on the bill. WTF? He just put a quarter in the middle of a table and surrounded it with 5 cell phones, when they all went off the quarter started to spin on its edge.

I've watched other specials of his and all the stuff he does in unbelievable. He also always does his tricks in foreighn countries and in very rough parts of this country. I'm not sure why that it is. He also does things with celebrities. He did a trick involving a card appearing inside a football with the Cowboys and now after the break he is doing a trick with Orlando Bloom.

Any time he has been on an interview or something you can tell how bizarre he really is, something is not right in his head.

See more funny videos at Funny or Die

Sunday, September 21, 2008

What time is it

So last night I decided to go see Burn After Reading (Okay, not the Coen Brothers' best, but better than most of the crap that comes out nowadays). So the movie starts at 7:50, so I plan that I should be there by 7:40, give me time to get a ticket, get to the theater and sit down, and nowadays they start about 5 minutes early because of all the commercials that start even before the previews. So I get into my seat at 7:40, and there are 10 other people in the theater. I sit down and get comfortable (take my pants off). When the theater goes dark around 7:48 there are maybe 20 people there now. However, through the next 15 minutes (through the previews and the first 5 miutes of the movie) about 100 people end up coming into the theater. I have to stand up 6 times to let people in and now there are people in front of me, and I can't even enjoy the first 5 minutes of the movie because there are all kinds of people moving around getting to their seats.

How difficult is it in todays world to know when a movie starts and get there on time? It makes me sick how much people don't care about getting to anything on time anymore. If I owned the theater I wouldn't let anyone in the movie after the lights go down, too late. We have your money, but you don't get to see the movie, too sad.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Please stop

I was driving home tonight and I saw a girl, probably 9, on her bike talking on a cell phone. Why god why?
At least It's Always Sunny starts up again tonight, and The Office comes back next week. All is well again in the world.

Monday, September 15, 2008

It's over, it's finally over

Send off the streamers, drop the balloons, light the fireworks, Ned Yost has been fired! Sweet zombie Jesus, I thought this day would never come. I think it is too little too late however. They only have 12 games left, 6 against the first place Cubs, whom would love to destroy our playoff chance. The Brewers have to go 8-4 to have a chance, and even then it might not happen.

We all wish Ned Yost good luck on his next career, and here are a few tips for him.

The only down side to all this is, what will the site do now? Change to

Sunday, September 14, 2008


I am officially done with the Brewers in their 2008 season. By the end of the day they will have lost the Wild Card spot. A spot the had a 5 1/2 game lead in a week ago. They have won 3 games this month and have not scored more than 3 runs in a game. Sad. This will be my last blog about them until after the season when I post a blog about changes that need to be made and when I start a pool about when Ned Yost will be fired.

UPDATE: Yost was just "relieved of his managerial" powers. I will fully process this and blog about this once I come back down to earth.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Must escape reality

Instead of sitting around today and ranting about how the Brewers the only way Americaans can, buy shit. this void the only way Americans can, buy shit. I went out and bought Season 3 of It's Always Sunny in Philedelphia, all is well again. Instead of sitting around realizing that the Brewers still have 2 against Philly and 6 against the Cubs, and have only won 3 games this month, I am sitting here watch Mac and Dennis try out for The Eagles, Charlie in a greenman suit, and all 4 of them say god-d***it many, many times. I love escaping reality through the lives of those on TV.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I want it, and I want it now

I had a whole 0ther idea for a totally different post, but driving home today I saw human beings doing something that really got my juices flowing. I was driving home and saw an incredibly long line, meaning out the door and around the corner, outside of Chipotle. There must have been close to 100 people in line, and this was at 7:00, not even really dinner time. Most of the people in line seemed to be college age. My only guess is that CHipotle was having some kind of free give away to mark the beginning of the semester. My guess is that it was something like, come in wearing some school spirit and get a free burrito.

This weekend I just had a conversation with a buddy of mine about waiting in lines. We both came to the agreement, that waiting in lines for pretty much anything is stupid, and a waste of my time and patience.

I got to thinking about what it would take for me to wait in line for a free $6 burrito. It looked like that line was bordering being nearly 1 hour long. What would it take for me to wait an hour for a free burrito. If I had any sense of personal respect, and any part-time job that paid me more than $6 an hour, there would be no logical reason to wait an hour for a free burrito. I could just work for an hour and earn money and go buy my own food without the line. However, I do not think most people think this way, they just think "hey, free, usually over-priced, food. I'm there."

My advice is to "get a job sir."

Monday, September 8, 2008

Random Thoughts

Yesterday I went to my last Brewers baseball game of the season, and it left with a weird feeling in my stomach, and a few thoughts in my head.
  • I am worried for the Brewers this year. THey have lost 6 of 8. They only scored 6 total runs in 4 games against the Padres (one of the worst teams). The Phillies are now only 3 1/2 back and we have to play them 3 times this coming week, and they have an easier schedule than us the rest of the way. Also, the team looks as if they are hardly trying, and they don't care. They were getting no-hit against a terrible pitcher going into the 8th inning, and no one seemed to care or to adjust themselves at the plate.
  • Ned Yost really is god-awful. he has no idea what he is doing within a game. I am also pretty sure that the players no he is a joke, and they don't follow his lead at all.
  • The Brewers really need to do everything in the power to resign CC. They are just a mediocre team without their pitching staff. However, next year with a rotation as CC, Gallardo, Parra, Bush, Suppan; they look pretty good. They need some changes in their everyday lineup, and their batting order. Order should be HArt, Hardy, Braun, Fielder, Cameron, Hall, Weeks, Kendall.
  • I really think they should NOT resign Cameron. He is doing jsut fine, despite his BA being a bit low. However, they really need that $10 million. I say Gapler or Gwynn can everyday play Center field, that or move Hart over to center, and bring up an outfielder.
  • They need to bring up Gamel to play third next year.
  • Kendall needs to rest more, you can see it in his game that he is tired. Plus Rivera does great every time he goes in randomly, imagine if he played everyday
  • I think they should move FIelder and Weeks this offseason. THen move Hardy to second, bring up Escobar, and my crazy proposal is play RIvera as your everyday 1st baseman. Then this off season resign CC and go after another bat that plays outfield, first base, or third base (in that order).